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Created by Jasmine Tran
over 8 years ago
Question | Answer |
Manifestation | An indication or sign of a condition (The dietician looked for manifestations of poor nutrition, such as excessive weight loss and poor skin condition) |
Musculoskeletal | Of or relating to muscle and skeleton (As a result of over-training, the athlete suffered a musculoskeletal injury) |
Neurologic | Of or relating to the nervous system (The nurse checked the neurological status of the patient who was brought to the emergency room after a motor cycle accident) |
Neurovascular | Of or relating to the nervous system and blood vessels (Strokes and aneurysms are neurovascular disorders) |
Nutrient | Substance or ingredient that provides nourishment (The dietician explains that fruits and vegetables contain nutrients that reduce the risk of some cancers) |
Occluded | Closed or obstructed (Because the patient's foot was cold and blue, the nurse reported that the patient's circulation to that foot was occluded) |
Ongoing | Continuous (The nurse instructed the patient that the treatment would be ongoing throughout the patient's entire hospital stay) |
Oral | Given through or affecting the mouth (The patient's instructions stated "no oral fluids for 24 hours following surgery") |
Otic | Of the ear (The physician prescribed an otic medication to treat the patient's ear infection) |
Overt | Open; not concealed/secret (The film’s R rating is based on its content’s overt violence and sexual acts) |
Parameter | A characteristic or constant factor, limit (The dietician explained that the number of calories needed for energy is one of the important parameters of a healthy diet) |
Patent | Open (The nurse checked to see whether the intravenous needle was patent before giving the patient a medication) |
Pathogenic | Causing or able to cause disease (Viruses and bacteria are pathogenic organisms) |
Pathology | Processes, causes, and effects of a disease (The doctor called to request the pathology report for her patient) |
Paraoxysmal | Sudden (In what appeared to be a paroxysmal reaction, the medication only seemed to make the patient’s spasms worse) |
Posterior | Located behind; in the back (The dentist examined the posterior surface of the tooth for a cavity) |
Portentous | ominous; threatening; warning (Mark’s portentous voice made him the perfect narrator for the horror movie) |
Potent | Producing a strong effect (The potent medication immediately relieved the patient's pain) |
Potential | Capable of occurring or likely to occur (Because the patient was very weak, the therapist felt the patient had a high potential for falling) |
Precaution | Preventive measure (The laboratory technician wore gloves as a precaution against blood contamination) |
Precipitous (pre-cip-it-tous) | Rapid, uncontrolled (The paramedic assisted the pregnant woman during a precipitous delivery in her home) |
Predispose | To make more susceptible or more likely to occur (The dietician explains that high dietary fat intake predisposes some people to heart disease) |
Preexisting | Already present (The nurse notified the physician that the patient has a preexisting condition that might lead to complications during the emergency surgery) |
Primary | First or most significant (The patient's primary concern was when he could return to work after the operation) |
Priority | Of great importance (The laboratory technician was gentle when inserting the needle because it is a high priority to ensure that the patient does not experience excessive pain and discomfort during the procedure) |
Prognosis | The anticipated or expected course or outcome (The physician explained that, with treatment, the patient's prognosis was for a long and healthy life) |
Rationale | The underlying reason (To make sure that the patient will follow the diet instructions, the medical assistant explains the rationale for the low-salt diet) |
Recur | To occur again (To make sure that a tooth cavity does not recur, the dental hygienist instructs the patient to use toothpaste with fluoride regularly) |
Renal | Of or relating to the kidneys (The nurse closely monitored the oral intake and urinary output of the patient with acute renal failure) |
Respiration | Inhalation and exhalation of air (Exercise increases the rate and depth of and individual's respiration) |
Restrict | To limit (The unlicensed assistive personnel removed the water pitcher from the room to assist the patient in following instructions to restrict the intake of fluids) |
Retain | To hold or keep (The nurse administered a medication to prevent the patient from retaining excess body fluid, which might cause swelling) |
Remedial | intended as a remedy or cure; therapeutic (According to the doctor, a remedial surgery on my knee will improve my mobility) |
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