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Created by Jasmine Tran
over 8 years ago
Question | Answer |
Hematologic | Of or relating to blood (Pregnancy can put a woman at risk for anemia, which is a hematologic disorder) |
Hydration | Maintenance of body fluid balance (The medical assistant explains that adequate hydration helps keep skin soft and supple) |
Hygiene | Measures contributing to cleanliness and good health (The dental assistant teaches patients about good hygiene practices to maintain strong teeth) |
Impaired | Diminished or lacking some usual quality or level (The paramedic state that the patient's impaired speech was obvious in the way she slurred her words) |
Impending | Occurring in the near future, about to happen (The nurse manager increased the emergency room staffing in anticipation of accidents being caused by the impending snowstorm) |
Impervious | Impenetrable, not allowing anything to pass through (Standard precautions require the use of impervious gloves when bodily fluids are handled) |
Imply | To suggest without explicitly stating (The look on the administrator's face implied that she was happy about the results of the inspection) |
Incidence | Occurrence (In recent years there has been an increased incidence of infections that do not respond to antibiotics) |
Infection | Contamination or invasion of body tissue by pathogenic organisms (The doctor prescribed antibiotics for the patient with a bacterial infection) |
Infer | To conclude or deduce (When the patient started crying while receiving an injection, the nurse inferred that the patient was in pain) |
Inflamed | Reddened, swollen, warm, and often tender (The nurse observed that the skin around the patient's wound was inflamed) |
Ingest | To swallow for digestion (The paramedic may contact the poison control center when providing emergency care for a child who has ingested cleaning fluid) |
Initiate | To begin or put into practice (The nurse decided to initiate safety measures to prevent injury because the patient was very weak) |
Insidious | So gradual as to not become apparent for a long time (The physician explained that the cancer probably started years ago but had not been detected because its spread was insidious) |
Intact | In place, unharmed (The nurse observed that the patient's bandage was intact) |
Internal | Located within the body (The paramedic reported that the patient was unconscious because of internal bleeding) |
Invasive | Inserting or entering into a body party (The laboratory technician is careful when obtaining blood samples because the invasive procedure may cause problems such as infection or bruising) |
Kinetic | Of or related to movement (kinetic energy from the battery of the medical assistant's tablet caused the device to feel warm to the touch) |
Labile (Lay-bile) | Changing rapidly and often (Because the child's temperature was labile, the nurse instructed the unlicensed assistive personnel to check the temperature frequently) |
Laceration | Cut; tear (After the accident, the paramedic examined the patient's lacerations) |
Latent | Present but not active or visible (The latent infection produced symptoms only when the patient's condition was weakened from another illness) |
Lateral | On the side (The physical therapist recommended exercises to help increase the strength of the patient's lateral muscles) |
Lethargic | Difficult to arouse (The unlicensed assistive personnel observed that on the morning after a patient received a sleeping pill, the patient was to lethargic to eat breakfast) |
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