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Created by Jasmine Tran
over 8 years ago
Question | Answer |
Defecate | Expel feces (The unlicensed assistive personnel helped the patient to the toilet when the patient needed to defecate) |
Deficit | A deficiency or lack of something (The therapist explained that the patient will experience a fluid deficit if the patient continues to perspire heavily during exercise without drinking enough fluids) |
Depress | press downward (The nurse will depress the patient's skin to see if any swelling is present) |
Depth | Downward measurement from a surface (The physician measures the depth of a wound by inserting a cotton swab into the wound) |
Deteriorating | Worsening (The dental hygienist explains that the condition of the patient's gums is deteriorating and treatment by the dentist is needed right away) |
Device | Tool or piece of equipment (A thermometer is a device used to measure the patient's body temperature) |
Diagnosis | Identification of an injury or disease (The patient received a diagnosis of pancreatitis) |
Dilate | to enlarge or expand (When shining a light in the patient's eyes, the nurse looks to see if both pupils dilate in response o the light) |
Dilute | To make a liquid less concentrated (The pharmacy technician suggests that the patient use fruit juice to dilute a foul-tasting drug so that the medication will be easier to swallow) |
Discrete | Distinct, separate (The paramedic observed several discrete bruise marks on the patient's body) |
Distal | Distant; away from the center (The paramedic suspected that the patient had a dislocated knee and knew it was important to check a distal pulse in the ankle) |
Distended | Enlarged or expanded from pressure (When a blood vessel is distended, the laboratory technician can easily insert a needle to obtain a blood sample) |
Dysfunction | Impaired or abnormal functioning (Family dysfunction may increase when a member experiences an acute physical illness) |
Empathy | Ability to share what others are feeling; understanding the feelings of another (After being diagnosed with cancer, the physician felt more empathy toward patients with cancer) |
Equilibrium | Balance (The nurse suspected that an ear infection was the cause of the patient's lack of equilibrium) |
Etiology (et-ti-ology) | The origin or cause of a disease or condition (The nurse interviewed the patient to determine the etiology of the patient's food poisoning) |
Exacerbate (Ex-a-cer-bate) | To make worse or more severe (The physical therapist recognized that too much exercise would exacerbate the patient's breathing difficulties) |
Expand | To increase in size or amount (The unlicensed assistive personnel turned the patient frequently so that the skin sore would not expand any further) |
Exposure | To come in contact (The nurse taught the parents of a new-born to avoid exposure to people with severe infections) |
Extension | Lengthening; unbending a joint The physical therapist helped the patient perform extension and flexion exercises) |
External | Located outside the body (The unlicensed assistive personnel measured the amount of blood in the external drain after the patient's surgery) |
Fatal | Resulting in death (The emergency medical technicians arrived to late to save any lives at the scene of a fatal car accident) |
Fatigue | Extreme tiredness, exhaustion (The dietician explained to the patient that eating more iron-rich foods may help reduce feelings of fatigue) |
Flexion | Bending a joint (Arthritis can make flexion of the fingers difficult) |
Flushed | Reddened or ruddy appearance (The therapist observed that the patient's face was flushed after the patient complete |
Gastrointestinal | of or relating to the stomach and the intestines (The patient was diagnosed with a gastrointestinal disease) |
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