Unit 5 Occupation : question & sample answer


Communicative English Course
Bill Tam
Flashcards by Bill Tam, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Bill Tam
Created by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When you become a boss one day, what is one thing you can do to your employee which would make them feel good but doesn't cost money? I could make them feel highly appreciated for their contribution and hard work.
How would increase in housing rent affect you? It would have a negative impact on my financial situation and reduce the amount of my disposal income.
What conclusion can you make from the lesson on "Occupation"? The career we choose has implications as to how people think of us and our happiness in life.
What do you think is the most important characteristic of a good designer? I think a good designer must have lots of creativity.
If you win an Olympic Gold medal, where would you put your medal? I would display my Olympic Gold medal prominently in my living room where everyone can see!
What kind of life do you think extremely lazy people would lead them? I think it is unavoidable that their laziness would lead them to a life of poverty.
What do you think families can do to nurture an enduring and amicable relationship? I think families can nurture an enduring and amicable relationship by understanding, caring and loving each other no matter what the circumstances they face.
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