

population sizes Adapt and survive pollution and acid rain pyramid of number and biomass.
Flashcards by tinygrace, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tinygrace over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is an adaptation... An Adaptation is what a certain thing has to survive in a certain environment.
Give 3 adaptations a polar bear has... .large size: to keep a good surface area. .Thick hairy coat. .white fur: For camouflage
Give 1 affect of Acid rain... 1:plants and animals cant survive in lakes and rivers if the are to acidic. 2:Acid rain kills lime stone buildings and monuments
how is a cacti adapted to live in a arid environment.. long roots,sharp body,large water storage
which 2 organisms are responsible for the decay of organic matter. bacteria and fungi
how can the chances of acid rain be reduced.. cutting back on burning fossil fuels
What is lost at each stage of the food chain? Energy
What is one gas that is linked to air pollution? Sulphur Dioxide
More people means more environmental damage.....give 3 effects on the environment air will be polluted with sulphur dioxide. food will have to be produced with chemicals witch kill animals and could get washed into rivers
what does de forestation increase CO2 AND THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT
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