The Skilled Helper


Gerard Egan, 9th Ed
Flashcards by paigemacgregor, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by paigemacgregor over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Stage I Current Picture 3 tasks: stories new perspectives value
Stage II Preferred Picture 3 tasks: possibilities change agenda commitment
Stage III The Way Forward 3 tasks: possible strategies best it strategies plan
Engagement goal stage I (not limited to) commitment to helping process sooner the better choosing to change
Initial Stress Reduction goal of stage I (not limited to) cathartic effect "getting it out" social-emotional reeducation
Establishing Rapport Relationship Building goal stage I (not limited to) develops & strengthens r/s use verbal/non-verbal communication skills
Clarity goal of stage I (not limited to) concrete detail: specific experiences, thoughts, behaviours, emotions vague stories = vague options/actions
Goals of Stage I Engagement Initial stress reduction Est. rapport & r/s building Clarity Client Action
stories new perspectives value Stage I Current Picture
commitment to helping process sooner the better choosing to change Engagement
cathartic effect "getting it out" social-emotional reeducation Initial Stress Reduction
develops & strengthens r/s use verbal/non-verbal communication skills Establishing Rapport Relationship Building
concrete detail: specific experiences, thoughts, behaviours, emotions vague stories = vague options/actions Clarity
possibilities change agenda commitment Stage II Preferred Picture
possible strategies best it strategies plan Stage III The Way Forward
Client Action goal stage I (not limited to) help clients act from beginning small but begin the change
help clients act from the beginning may be small but begin the change Client Action
Task 1 Help Clients Tell Their Stories TRANSLATE experiences 2words DISCLOSE info relieve tension FEEDBACK from therapist LYING to protect themselves
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