Mozart - 1st Movement from Symphony No. 40 in G minor


Flashcards on Mozart - 1st Movement from Symphony No. 40 in G minor, created by kerenza nawacki on 24/04/2016.
kerenza nawacki
Flashcards by kerenza nawacki, updated more than 1 year ago
kerenza nawacki
Created by kerenza nawacki over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Was Symphony No. 40 written for a large or small Orchestra? This symphony was written for a FAIRLY SMALL ORCHESTRA. There's NO PERCUSSION and the only brass instruments are the FRENCH HORNS. (This is the earlier version, Mozart created a newer version including TRUMPETS as they had only just been invented at the time.
How many movements does this piece have? Four movements! You'll only be studying the first movement however.
What form is the first movement of this symphony in? Sonata Form. A piece in this form has three main sections: Exposition Development Recapitulation
What is the 'Exposition' part of the piece generally like in classical structures It has two contrasting themes. And ends in a different but related key to the one in started in. Themes are "exposed" - heard for the first time.
What is the 'Development' part of the piece generally like in classical structures It keeps the piece Interesting - themes are taken through lots of variations. Themes go through a number of interesting twists and turns.
What is the 'Recapitulation' part of the piece generally like in classical structures Pulls it all together again- the themes from the EXPOSITION are repeated. They're usually changed a bit - the composer may add ORNAMENTS or SHORTEN them a bit.
How many bars are in the EXPOSITION? The exposition is bars 1-100.
What key is the first subject of the exposition in? G minor It's a melody that is characterised by a falling motif to the repeated rhythm and its playing by the strings first.
What key is the second subject of the exposition in? Bb major (relative major) It's a melody with a descending chromatic patterns, shared between strings and woodwind.
Describe the Development section of this piece Based on the first subject which is developed and fragmented. The harmonies are more chromatic in this bit. It begins in F# minor but explores many different keys.
Describe the Recapitulation section The first subject of the Exposition is repeated but with some variation in G minor. Then the second subject of the Exposition is repeated with some variation in G minor. Then there is a Coda when repeated perfect cadences in G minor complete the piece.
Many phrases in this piece are scalic, what does this mean? A phrase based on a scale.
What is the Harmony of this piece? Diatonic and functional, based around standard major and minor triads. There's also examples of Chromatic chords, a circle of 5ths progression and pedel notes.
Describe the Metre and the tempo of this piece The metre is 4/4 throughout and the tempo is Molto Allegro - very fast.
Describe the texture of this piece The texture is mainly HOMOPHONIC however we do see examples of : Counterpoint and imitation in the development. Octave doublings Dialogue between the woodwind and strings at the start of the second subject.
Describe the Dynamics in the exposition The first subject is fairly quiet apart from a short passage in the middle. The transition is loud and the second subject begins quietly and gets louder towards the end.
Describe the dynamics in the development and recapitulation. The development has a loud section in the middle but starts and ends quietly. The recapitulation has similar dynamics to the exposition as it is similar in structure.
What type of Orchestra does Mozart use in this piece and give examples of families of instruments used. Mozart uses a chamber orchestra made up of strings, woodwind and horns.
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