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6 Legal Systems Flashcards on Contracts, created by Lauren Lewis on 05/04/2016.
Lauren Lewis
Flashcards by Lauren Lewis, updated more than 1 year ago
Lauren Lewis
Created by Lauren Lewis almost 9 years ago
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Resource summary

Question Answer
Explain Offer and Acceptance Offer must be communicated to the offeree. All terms of offer must be communicated Olley v Marlborough Court LTD
What is Invitation to treat Relevant case? Invitation to others to make an offer Can be advertisements, items in a store - NOT AN OFFER - Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v Boots Cash Chemist
How can an offer be terminated? -Revocation by the offeror -Rejection by the offeree -Lapse of time -Failure to a condition -Death of a party
How can an offer be accepted? Must be communicated; Actions, verbal, written communication Silence is NOT acceptance
Silence or intertia cannot be a condition of acceptance What is the relevant case? FELTHOUSE V BINDLEY
What causes a counter offer? Relevant case? If an offeree comes back to the offeror with different terms Offeree now becomes offeror and vice versa Original offer can no longer be accepted HYDE V WRENCH "a counter-offer extinguishes the offer"
Explain intention to create legal relations Difference between social and business arrangements? Relevant case? All parties involved must have had intention to create legal relations. Domestic/social arrangements presumed under court as "no intention" Business arrangements presumed to have "intention" BALFOUR V BALFOUR
What is consideration? Relevant case? The price paid by the promisee for the promisor's promise. Exchange between parties. Usually in the form of a monetary payment. Past consideration is not good consideration. RE McCARDLE
Who has legal capacity? -Over 18 -Not under influence of drugs -Mentally disposing mind -Corporations
How can minors be approved of "legal capacity"? Approval under court s 9 Minors Contract Act Obtaining guarantee or indemnity from an adult s 10 Contract directly with the parents
What is genuine consent? The basis of the contractual relationship to be found in free will and consent of the parties.
What are the legal challenges to the genuineness of consent? Informed Consent: -Misrepresentation -Mistake (Contractual Remedies Act) Consent given freely and willingly: -Unconcionable bargain -Undue influence -duress
Explain duress in the terms of genuine consent Threatened or actual force against the person, their economic interest, their property and their family.
Define unconscionable bargain When someone is taken advantage of when they needed special protection. A plaintiff must show significant impairment, disadvantage or disability i.e. advanced age, illiteracy, poverty, lack of a responsible person to consult, commercial inexperience.
Define mistake (as a legal challenge) Mistake refers to beliefs, misconceptions or errors made by the contracting parties, but does not apply to errors in judgment or assessment of the bargain
Explain a Request for Further Information? Not a counter-offer. Specified as wanting to know more about terms of an offer. Can include wording such as: "can, could, what if, how about..." (Watch out for confusing this to counter-offers)
What does the postal rule mean? Relevant case? Offers can be accepted via the post. Acceptance is on postal, not receive An offer cannot be revoked through post. Byrne & Co v Leon Van Tein Hoven & Co
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