Language Teaching Materials and the (Very) Big Picture


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Flashcards by JUAN SANABRIA, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by JUAN SANABRIA over 8 years ago
Copied by JUAN SANABRIA over 8 years ago

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ABSTRACT This articles focuses on the evolution of language teaching practices related to the socio-historical context.
INTRODUCTION We will find a brief historical context on practice on materials designrelated to social and cultural context..
ELT MATERIALS 1950s TO THE 1980s Any story is partial and subjective. Partial because the focus is limited and Subjective because is selective in what is cited here. The article began with the 50's for the birth of modern language learning teaching.
THE LATE 1950s/60s AND THE COLD WAR. When behaviourism was the dominant force in physocology and learning theory, most of extra funds from 1958 Act went directly into this behaviorist inspired methodologist to the use of drills, substitution tables.
THE LATE 1960 TO THE 1970s The respect of humanistic approach and the notion of DIY ( Do it yourself), wich, found echoes in language pedagogy. Also, Krashen input hypothesis that aimed to take language teaching where learners would produce language when they were ready.
THE 1970s TO THE MID 1980s Recognition of cultures, gave birth to an entire rethink of what Enlish language teaching should be about: Communicative Language Teaching Movement. CLT championes how ordibary people use it. Functions and notions replaced grammar areas.
NEW IMPERATIVES ON MATERIAL DESIGN: THE MID 1980s ONWARDS Why are ELT materials are what they are? To answer this the author focus in two basic concepts Mcdonaldization and Neoliberalism
MCDONALDIZATION Ritzer indicates the evidence in standardized products and routines of interaction in materials, this, achieve widespread commercial success is indicative that they reflect a social phenomenon, which many teachers and learners appear to repplicate.
NEO- LIBERALISM CEF will have an impact on both of how and what of language teaching. The proliferation of language examinations constitute an example of how neoliberalism and the market is shaping language teaching materials.
CONCLUSION The author believes that there are a standardization of materials design and centralization. We need to start in language teaching, by resisting the manner in which uniformity is being imposed, designing open tasks open-ended and support experimenting guides.
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