Chapter 15: Logistics, Distribution and Transportation


Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt (Jacobs and Chase) Chapter 15: Logistics
Flashcards by akuma33, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by akuma33 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Logistics Art and Science of obtaining, producing, and distributing material and product in the proper place and proper quantities
Int'l Logistics All functions concerned with the movement of materials and finished on a global scale.
Third-party Logistics Company A company that manages all or part of another company's product delivery operations. (FedEx, UPS, DHL)
Transportation Modes Highway (truck) Water (ship) Air Rail Pipelines Hand Delivery
Cross Docking An approach used in consolidation warehouses where rather than making larger shipments, the shipments are broken down into smaller shipments for local delivery in an area.
Hub and Spoke Systems Systems that combine the idea of consolidation and of cross-docking.
Factor Rating Systems An approach for selecting a facility location by combining a diverse set of factors. Point scales are developed for each criterion.
Transportation Method A special linear programming method that useful for solving problems involving transporting products from several sources to several destinations.
Centroid Model A technique for locating single facilities that considers the existing facilities, distances between them, and the volume of goods to be shipped
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