

Flashcards on Progresivism, created by ericajoy75 on 20/02/2016.
Flashcards by ericajoy75, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ericajoy75 over 8 years ago

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election of 1900 Republicans-mckinley- T roosevelt(vp) democrats- william jennings bryan sept. 1901- Mckinley shot- TR-youngest american president to date
Teddy Roosevelt wealthy "speak softly and carry a big stick" manly americanism "muscular christianity" "steward of the people"
the panama canal -trade route across nicaragua -an 1848 treaty between US and Colombia guaranteed american right of traansit across the isthmus- Washington promises to maintain neutrality of the route to protect trade for all
Hay-pauncefote treaty 1901 Philippe Bunau-Varilla british withdraw objections to US canal -French -US troops stop columbians
Panama evolution 1903 recognized the new government of Panama- allowed the sale of the canal and widened the canal zone- 10 mile strip
Col. William C. Gorgas ended the threat of yellow fever in Havana
Col. George Washington Goethals west point trained engineercompleted the Panama Canal project- $400 million-virtual despot
Roosevelt Corollary to the monroe doctrine "preventive intervention" recognized self-determination for latin american countries But only for nations that acted "with reasonable efficiency and decency in social and political matters." a pattern of rongdoing(such as failure to pay debts) would result in US acting as an "international police power"
russo-japanese war 1904-1905 -Japanese sneak attack on port arthur; destroy russian baltic fleet @ battle of Tsushima(45 mins!) US= friend to both japan and russia Roosevelt mediates a peace @ Portsmouth,NH (Japanese request)
treaty of portsmouth 1905 russia unhappy- feels US favored japan japan recieves Korea, but also unhappy-wants more arms race between japan and the US gets ugly
US relations with Japan fears of "yellow peril" and discrimination against japanese san francisco earthquake 1906 overcrowded public schools segregated japanese insulted-threaten war! roosevelt not amused
Gentlemen's agreement 1907-1908 to stop japanese immigration to US SF desegregated schools
"the great white fleet" 1907 Tr called for 16 battleships, all painted white, to make a world war
root-takahira agreement 1908 US and japan agree to respect one another's possessions in the pacific US and japan stand together to support the open door policy in china goodwill engendered by this agreement will last until after WWI
progressivism progressive era 1900-1920 the power of the government is to be used to bring reform to the social and economic problems caused by the advent of industrialism
(1)liberalism alliance between the people and the government to protect society against the abuses of laissez faire capitalism economic goals:check abuses by large corporations political goals: extend or protect the rights of underrepresented groups protect the peopele against corruption and the abuse of power on the part of politicians
(2)liberism maintaining power in the hands of a small elite class which mtains its privileged status over other classes in american society
1900-1920 progressive era TR, Taft, and Wilson (rep. and dem.)
1933-1945 new deal FDR(dem.)
1945-1953 fair deal Truman (dem.)
1961-1963 new frontier JFK (dem.)
1963-1969 great society LBJ (dem.)
key progressive ideas gov't- should be pos for change and reform balence between laissez-faire and radical reforms strong middle class-lead reforms
social gospel movement protestant church sould lead the way in humanitarian reform ex-salvation army and jane addams's Hll House
muckrakers investigative reporters write about the abuse to expose it to the public so that the public can demand change
Goo Goo " good government guys" suppport reform in city government
mueller V. Oregon weaker female bodies deserved "special laws and regulations" to keep them from being asked to do harmful jobs in the factories
"referendums" let the people vote on new laws
17th amendment in 1913 direct election of senators one of the iggest successes of the progressive movement
Robert M. LaFollette of wisconsin best known progressive polititian wisconsin idea- included "recall" elections, direct election of senators, referendums, and special investigative commision to look into abuses- made Wisconsin the most progressive state
TR's Square deal three C's-control of te corporations -consumer protection -conservation of natural resources
united mine workers went on strike 1902 coal mines shut down demands higher wages, 9 hour work day, union recognition, collective bargaining
department of commerce and labor created by congress as a cabinent lavel office in 1903
"trust-bust" control of corporations strengten interstate commerce commission by giving it the means to enforce the laws
elkins act of 1903 railroads can only charge published rates for travel and shipping
hepburn act of 1906 ICC can set maximum rates for railroads
bureau of corporations in 1903 investigate anti-trust violations
northern securities v. US 1904 railroad monopoly in NW JP morgan & james hill SCOTUS dissolved the monopoly- wall street was not happy
conservation movement and TR motivated by TR's love for outdoors and time spent in the west
Newlands act of 1902 federal funding for water projects in west
sierra club conservation group founded in 1892 sponser: John Muir- to reclaim land to preserve the vanishing frontier but split- Giffard Pinchot and others wanted the wilderness left in pristine state
panic of 1907 wall street blames TR's "trust Busting" short lived- leads to creation of federal reserve in 1913
william Howard Taft (1909-1913) gov. of philipines loved law- hated presidency laer became chief jusice of SCOTUS "i dont remember i ever was president" he distrusted change
Taft's Dollar diplomacy substitude economic ties for military alliances with the idea of increasing American influence called indirect imperialism- financial big stick taft busted mor trusts than TR
"rule of reason" only those business combination that "unreasably" restrained trade were illegal
Us steel in 1911 most famous case JP morgan- bought steel from carnegie TR had encouraged US steel to buy failing comp. Taft sues US steel TR
Pane-Aldrich Bill 1909 Conservative Taft splits the Republican party raised something by 40%
pinchot v. ballinger taft and sec. of the interior, richard ballinger opened up public lands in wyoming, montana, and alaska for development in 1910 pinchot protested-taft fires him-infuriates TR, progressives, and conervationists
Bull Moose Party TR and progressive republicans- progressive party-election
election of 1912 the "bull mooses" election dem.- woodrow wilson- pro small business rep.- Taft bull moose party- TR-3rd party- progressive party Wilson wins!
wilson's new freedom supporting business and free enterprise no more trusts fragmentation of the big corporations would propel the economy better standard of living for everyone
Tr's new nationalism regulation of business more trust-busting votes for women minimum wage laws very similar to the new deal ideas of FDR
woodrow wilson(1913-1921) democrat american e! ideals(jeffersonian dem.-faith in the educated mases) + "city on a hill" foreign policy= naivete(ineptness), europe(WI) effective in getting legislation passed
wilson's domestic policy vowed to fight "triple wall of privilege:tariff,banks,trusts,"- first pres. to adress joint houses of congress in person
underwood tarrif bill 1913 lowered the tarrif for the first time in 50 years-more efficient business=better goods=more competitive abroad
16th amendment allows for a graduated income tax(populist idea)
1913 federal reserve act most important piece of economic legislation between the civil war and the new deal decentralized bank in gov't hands nation's currency too inflexible for industrial economies 12 regionl banks issues paper currency- federal reserve notes
federal trade commission act of 1914 authorized presidentially appointed commissions to investigate and regulate monopolies
clayton anti-trust act of 1914 strengthened the regulatory practices of the gov't and made unions and picketing legal
federal farm loan act of 1916 low-interest loans available to farmers
workman's compensation act of 1916 provisions for disabled federal workers
adamson act of 1916 eight hour work day for railroad workers
louis d. brandeis first jewish justice of the supreme court-nominated by wilson big limitation of progressives but wilson continues a national pattern of ignoring segregation and limiting of civil rights for blacks
wilson's foreign policy irony: wilson disliked TR's "big stick" and Taft's "dollar diplomacy" but he uses both
panama canal toll act repealed it exempted american shipping from paying tolls now US ships must pay!
jones act of 1916 promises people of philippines their independence when they had a stable gov't-that would be in 1946
"yankee lake" the caribbean protecting the approaches too the panama canal wilson sends US marines to Haiti after revolution in 1915 until 1934 also sends them to dominicn repulic US purchased the virgin islands from denmark-1917
Revolution in mexico just study this in notes, i dont want to type it all out...
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