Specific Topic 7.3 Timber selection


GCSE Edexcel New Specification Mind Map on Specific Topic 7.3 Timber selection, created by T Andrews on 01/08/2017.
T Andrews
Mind Map by T Andrews, updated more than 1 year ago
T Andrews
Created by T Andrews over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Specific Topic 7.3 Timber selection
  1. 7.3.6 Cultural and Ethical factors
    1. Avoiding offence
      1. Suitabilit for intended market
        1. Effects of mass production
          1. Consumer society
            1. Built-in product obsolesence
            2. 7.3.1 Aesthetics factors
              1. Form
                1. Colour
                  1. Texture
                  2. 7.3.2 Environmental factors
                    1. Sustainability
                      1. Genetic engineering
                        1. Upcycling
                          1. Seasoning
                          2. 7.3.3 Availability factors
                            1. Stock materials
                              1. Specialist materials
                                1. Environmental impact of hurricanes, storms,and disease
                                2. 7.3.4 Cost factors
                                  1. Quality
                                    1. Manufacturing processes
                                      1. Treatments: Fire proofing, tanilized
                                      2. 7.3.5 Social factors
                                        1. Popularity
                                          1. Trends/fashion
                                            1. Social groups
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