Biology 1404


1st semmester, freshman biology : chapter 1-4
Flashcards by kirkham.brittany, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kirkham.brittany almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
element substance that cannot be broken down by chemical reactions
which elements are living organisms made of? carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen
Atom structure proton, neutron, electron
proton positively charged
neutron neutral/ no charge
electron negatively charged
ion charged atom
atomic mass # of protons
atomic number total # of protons and neutrons
isotopes different atomic forms of the same element
how do we use radioisotopes? age life, metabolism tracers
orbitals energy levels, 2,8,8....
what do atoms do when they have unfilled orbitals? bond
molecules group of atoms bonded together to take part in a reaction
compounds substance consisting of 2 or more elements
ionic bond when a electronegative atom takes a electron from anther atom.
polar covalent bond unequally shared electerons
nonpolar covalent bonds equally shared electrons
hydrogen bond bonds between hydrogen and electronegative atom
Van der Waals interactions when electrons are not symetrically distributed
characteristics of water cohesion, constant temp, and polar solvent
hydrophobic dislikes water
hydrophilic loves water
acid more h+
basic more oh-
buffers maintian constant pH.
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