
Flashcards on Labs NCLEX, created by D R on 04/01/2016.
Flashcards by D R, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Katrina Villeneu
Created by Katrina Villeneu over 8 years ago
Copied by D R over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Na K Ca Mg Cl Phosphate Albumin Na 135-145 K 3.5-5.5 Ca 2.18-2.58 (8.7-10.3) Mg 0.75-0.95 (1.82-2.31 mg/dL) Cl 98-106 Phosphate 0.97-1.45 Albumin 35-50 g/L (3.5-5.0 g/dL)
Related to aldosterone & ADH Hypo = headache, nausea, confusion, weakness, decreased LOC, increased renal output Hyper = thirst, decrease U/O, dry skin, decreased CO Na 135-145
Need for muscle contractility, cardiac function, neural transmission, blood clotting Hypo = nervousness, irritability, tetany Hyper = anorexia, N/V, somnolence, coma Ca 2.18-2.58 (1.05-1.13)
This level of BUN can be caused by: CHF ++ Protein in GI tract GI bleed Hypovolemia Heart attack Kidney disease Shock Urinary tract obstruction High levels of BUN
This level of BUN can be caused by: Liver failure Low protein diet Malnutrition Over-hydration Low levels of BUN
HCO3 pH paCO2 paO2 HCO3 22-28 pH 7.35-7.45 paCO2 35-45 paO2 80%-100%
Creatinine (1-M and 2-F) BUN Glucose (1-fasting and 2-postprandial) Creatinine M 70-120 umol/L (0.8-1.4 mg/dL) F 50-90 umol/L (0.56-1.0 mg/dL) BUN 2.5-9.0 mmol/L (7-22 mg/dL) Glucose Fasting 3.5-5.8 mmol/L (59-105 mg/dL) Postprandial <6.5 mmol/L (<120 mg/dL)
Hct M and F Hgb M and F Hct M 0.42-0.52 F 0.37-0.46 Hgb M 140-174 F 123-157
WBC Platelets INR aPTT Pt WBC 4000-10000 Platelets 150000-400000 INR 0.90-1.2 (2.0-3.0 therapeutic) aPTT 28-28 seconds (~70 therapeutic) PT 60-70 seconds
Ca (Hyper or Hypo)? Anorexia, fatigue coma, polyuria, weakness, constipation, signs of dehydration Hypercalcemia
Ca (Hyper or Hypo)? Nervousness, irritability, excitability, tetany Hypocalcemia
Influences cardiac function; aldosterone increases renal loses; when Na is reabsorbed, this is lost; alkalosis decreases this; acidosis increases this K 3.5-5.0
K (Hyper or Hypo)? Weakness, paralysis, hyporeflexia, increased sensistivity to digoxin, flattened T wave, prominent U wave Hypokalemia
K (Hyper or Hypo)? Irritability, N/V, diarrhea, peaked T wave, wide QRS, and depressed ST Hyperkalemia
This is needed for synthesis and metabolism of carbs, protein, and nucleic acids; also has an impact on organ function. Mg 0.75-0.95 mmol/L (1.82-2.31 mg/dL)
Mg (Hyper or Hypo)? Neuromuscular symptoms. Weakness, irritability, tetany, ECG changes, delirium, convulsions Hypomagnesimia
Mg (Hyper or Hypo)? Wide PR and QT, wide QRS, lethargy, N/V, slurred speech Hypermagnesimia
Protein made by the liver. If low, may be a sign of kidney disease or liver disease. Low levels occur when the body does not get enough nutrients (i.e. weight loss, chron's, low-protein diets). Increased levels - dehydration, high protein diet Albumin 35-50 g/L (3.5-5.0 g/dL)
Phosphate 0.97-1.45
Albumin 35-50 g/L
Chloride 98-106
BUN 2.5-9.0 mmol/L (7-22 g/dL)
Creatinine M 70-120 umol/L (0.8-1.4 mg/dL) F 50-90 umol/L (0.56-1.0 mg/dL)
Hct M 0.42-0.52 F 0.37-0.46
Hgb M 140-174 F 123-157
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