Paediatrics - Trauma


Flashcards on Paediatrics - Trauma, created by Michael Brown on 27/11/2015.
Michael Brown
Flashcards by Michael Brown, updated more than 1 year ago
Michael Brown
Created by Michael Brown about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What should a trauma pt be asked? Where, how, when the accident occurred Any need to tetanus? Were they unconscious? - nausea, vomit, amnesia may indicate a brain injury -> A&E
What is the trama stamp? C - Colour D- Displacement - NB only at 1st visit M - Mobility S - Sinus/Tenderness in sulcus E - Electric Pulp Test T - Thermal Pulp Test T - Tenderness to Percussion R - Radiographs
What factors affect prognosis? Pt age ∴ apex open/closed Injury type Associated injuries Time passed until Rx Infection
What general advice is given to a trauma pt? Soft diet Avoid sports for 2/52 Use soft TB after meals CHX rinse 2x daily for 1/52 Rv apts important
How may crown and root fractures be classified? CROWN -> uncomplicated ∴ enamel or enamel and dentine complicated ∴ inc.pulp ROOT -> apical 1/3 mid 1/3 coronal 1/3 CROWN-ROOT -> pulp or no pulp involvement
Detail the management of an uncomplicated crown # Assess -> history, exam - trauma stamp Account for missing fragments -> if not, poss.inhalation? Rebond tooth fragment -> NB discolouration over time /or/ Composite restoration +/- CaOH Rv
How is trauma monitored? What are you looking for? Trauma Stamp Follow up apts at 1/12, 3/12, 6/12 and 1year Monitor re: root development, resorption, necrosis, injury to permanent successors
How is a complicated crown # managed? What factors are important in deciding Rx? Assess -> history, exam - trauma stamp If small exposure and <24 hours -> direct pulp cap and restore If large exposure and/or >24 hours -> pulpotomy/pulpectomy and restore
Describe a pulpotomy Decide if partial (Cvek) or full pulpotomy BOTH -> history, exam, LA, isolation PARTIAL -> remove 2-3mm circumference of exposure Assess bleeding -> if stopped: CaOH and restore if not, may need full pulpotomy FULL -> access and remove coronal pulp w/s.speed/excavator Control haemorrhage -> ferric sulphate ONLY IN PRIMARY TEETH DUE TO STAIN otherwise CWR If still bleeding, may require pulpectomy CaOH/MTA @ pulp stumps Restore (SSC in primary molars)
Name the different splints and duration of use for trauma cases SEA LAM CD FLEX 2/52 - Sublux, Extrusion, Avulsion FLEX 4/52 - Lux, Apical 1/3 root, Mid 1/3 root FLEX 4/12 - Coronal 1/3 root RIGID 4/52 - Dento-alveolar #
What is the difference between a flexible and a rigid splint? Same material (ortho wire, composite bonded) FLEX - 1 tooth either side of all traumatised teeth RIGID - 2 teeth either side
How are root fractures managed? What factors determine Rx? Displacement and mobility None - monitor and gen.advice Displaced/Mobile - Reposition, splint depends on type of root # If RCT required, RCT to # line. Fragment will remain/resorb
What type of root # healing can occur? HEALING Calcified -> # close together ∴ may be visible Connective Tissue -> # line seen but w/rounded edges Bone -> bony bridge separates fragments NON-HEALING Granulation tissue and loss of vitality
What is the treatment of a crown-root #? XLA /or/ Extrusion if more than 50:50 crown:root
Define concussion Injury to the PDL but with NO mobility or displacement
Define subluxation Injury to PDL with mobility but NO displacement
How are concussions and subluxations managed? Trauma stamp Monitor No Rx /or/ FLEX 2/52 Pt advice
Define extrusion Partial displacement OUT of socket PDL damage NO bone damage
Define lateral luxation Partial displacement from socket in ALL OTHER directions PDL damage 1 surface alveolar bone #
Define intrusion Displacement IN to socket PDL and bone damage
How is an intrusion managed? What factors define Rx? Open vs closed apex <6mm> OPEN APEX <6mm disimpact and allow to erupt >6mm poss. surgical reposition FLEX 4/52 CLOSED APEX <6mm disimpact and move w/ortho >6mm surgical reposition FLEX 4/52
What advice would you give to a patient over the phone about an avulsion? Don't panic Handle crown NOT root Check if tooth is whole or not Rinse under cold water Replant ASAP If replanted, gently bite on handkerchief /or/ Store in milk/saliva/saline Visit GDP ASAP
What are the critical factors for an avulsed tooth? Amount of damage to PDL & pulp Extra-alveolar dry time - EADT <60mins< Extra-alveolar time - EAT Storage medium
How do you manage an avulsed tooth w/ EADT <60mins? FOR OPEN AND CLOSED APICES Assess, history, trauma stamp Account for all tooth tissue If replanted, remove Do not handle root Rinse PDL and apex w/saline LA Recontour and irrigate socket as needed Gently replant Confirm position radiographically FLEX splint 2/52 ABs/CHX/Tetanus as needed Rv
How do you manage an avulsed tooth w/ EADT <60mins but EAT >45mins? SAME FOR CLOSED AND OPEN APICES Replant as normal FLEX 2/52 Extirpate before splint removal Dress w/ledermix/NSCaOh for 1/52 OPEN APEX ->Place MTA to get apical stop, then obturate CLOSED APEX -> Obturate as needed
How do you manage an open apex avulsed tooth with EAT <45mins? Replant as usual Monitor as may revascularise alone RCT as needed if no improvement
How do you manage an avulsed tooth with EADT >60mins? SAME FOR OPEN AND CLOSED APICES Remove necrotic PDL Soak in NaF for 20mins Extirpate and obturate OUTSIDE mouth Replant FLEX 4/52
How is a dento-alveolar # managed? Assess, exam, trauma stamp Reposition under LA RIGID 4/52 Monitor
Explain the four types of resorption 1. External Surface -> PDL damage that heals ∴ non-progressive e.g. excessive orthodontics 2. External Inflammatory -> Progressive, PDL damage. Necrotic pulp tissue via dentinal tubules 'feeds' resorption. Acidic environment ∴ osteoclasts stimulated Indistinct root surface but 'tramlines' intact 3. Internal Inflammatory -> Progressive, due to partially non-vital tooth Vital part of tooth 'feeds' resorption Indistinct 'tramlines' but root surface intact 4. Replacement Resorption -> Ankylosis Severely damaged PDL and cementum ∴ no normal healing Tooth resorbs as part of bone remodelling and becomes fused to bone
How is resorption managed? External Surface -> extripate NSCaOh every 3/12 up to 1 year Once resorption stops, RCT If still progressive, plan for replacement Internal Surface -> same management as ext. Ankylosis -> monitor for PA path. Other Rx re: aesthetics
What is pulp canal obliteration? Response of a vital pulp to trauma Progressive hard tissue formation in pulp Gradual narrowing until obliteration Rx - monitor
What colour changes can occur with trauma? Immediate = Pink -> bleeding into dentinal tubules Can resolve If not, suspect necrosis Days = Brown/Black -> pulp necrosis Weeks/Months = yellow/opaque -> excessive tertiary dentine formation and poss.obliteration
How are primary tooth crown #s managed? Uncomplicated -> restore Complicated -> RCT/XLA Crown-Root -> XLA and possibly leave root fragment if difficult to retrieve
How are primary teeth root #s managed? Undisplaced and no mobility -> monitor Others -> XLA of fragments retrievable Leave apical root fragments to resorb and avoid damaging permanent successor
How are primary concussion, sublux, lux. and avulsion injuries managed? Conussion and sub.lux. -> monitor Lat.Lux -> XLA if affecting occlusion. Monitor if not Intrusion -> PA to localise Assess root tip position If BUCCAL -> leave or XLA after 6/12 w/no eruption If PALATAL -> XLA Extrusion -> XLA Avulsion -> DO NOT REPLANT check for fragments
What effects can trauma have on primary teeth? Discolouration -> colour and presentation time dictates Rx Infection Resorption -> XLA Delayed exfoliation -> XLA
What effects on the permanent dentition can primary tooth trauma have? Varies w/age -> younger = greater damage due to developing permanent tooth Enamel defects e.g. hypomineralisation, hypoplasia Abnormal morphology e.g. dilaceration Delayed eruption Arrested development Odontome formation Ectopic
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