Defining a Healthy Lifestyle


Flashcards on Health and Social Care Unit 9 Healthy Living
Alan Stone
Flashcards by Alan Stone, updated more than 1 year ago
Alan Stone
Created by Alan Stone about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
World Health Organisation (WHO) UN agency established 1948 Based in Geneva, Switzerland Coordinates International Public Health
WHO Definition of Health and Wellbeing 'A complete state of PHYSICAL, mental and SOCIAL wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity'
holistic in health terms usually concerns MIND and BODY deals with a complete system, not just individual parts
Physical Aspects Physical needs e.g food, water, shelter, warmth, clothing, rest, exercise and good personal hygiene
Intellectual Aspects Needed to develop and think intellectually: mental stimulation (keeps us motivated and interested) lifelong learning (keeps our brains active)
Emotional Aspects Make us feel happy and relaxed: feeling loved, respected and secure We need to FEEL, EXPRESS and RECOGNISE different emotions through our lives
Social Aspects Allow us to develop and enjoy good relationships and friendships with others. Needs include: opportunities to mix with others in an appropriate environment and access to leisure facilities and activities
Activity: Physical, intellectual, emotional and social needs (PIES) Reflect on your own life. Think about your physical, intellectual, emotional and social needs (PIES). 1 Which are being met? 2 Which are not being met? 3 What effects are these having on your current health and wellbeing? 4 How do you think this may affect your health and wellbeing in the future? 5 Explain how one high profile athlete takes care so that his/her PIES are met
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