

Religions of the Reformation in Europe
Rebecca Seickel
Flashcards by Rebecca Seickel, updated more than 1 year ago
Rebecca Seickel
Created by Rebecca Seickel over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Calvinism Created by John Calvin Believed in predestination Man can only approach God through faith God has absolute control of everyone Blue Laws Believed in theocracy No sacraments
What are the Five Parts of Calvinism? total depravity of human beings, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and the perseverance of the saints
What are Calvinists not allowed to do because of the Blue Laws? practice the sacraments, gamble, get drunk, theater, dance and commit adultery (any immoral act) not allowed to pray to figure in paintings No excess (I.E. food, wealth)
Where did Calvinism originate? Geneva, Switzerland
What were people who converted to Calvinism called? Huguenots
Lutheranism Believed in 2 sacraments Faith will lead you to salvation Ceremonies didn't matter
Anabaptists Founded by Hans Denk in Augsburg Germany Believed in adult baptism No original sin
1. Why do Anabaptists believe in adult baptism? 2. Why do they not believe in Original Sin? 1. Babies do not know difference between right and wrong, therefor cannot sin and they are also not true believers (Hans want people to join religion based on their free will not based on family) 2. Jesus died for all sins so that would include original sin.
What are Anabaptist beliefs? 1. Secular government is evil and only there for punishment of sins 2. Adult baptism (no original sin) 3. Separation of state and church 4. Refused to swear oaths to anyone other than God 5. Opposed war, slavery, and use of force
Why were Anabaptists different from other religions regarding women? They encouraged woman to join Church services.
Why do Anabaptists not accept all people at first? They did not first accept all people, wanting to differentiate the believers from non-believers.
Anglican Chruch Founded by Queen Elizabeth I and Henry VII in England Uses the book of Common Prayer in vernacular language. The monarch is head of church and state Started for secular reasons Combines Protestant and Catholic ideas
What do Anglicans believe in? Anglicans follow the 7 sacraments that the Roman Catholic Church Believe in healthy relationships with other religions Ceremonies are simplified No pope, No church hierarchy
What act created the Anglican Church and how? The Act of Supremacy by Henry VII because it stated that that England was breaking away from the Catholic church allowing for the creating of the Anglican Church.
Presbyterians Founded in Switzerland Founded on the teachings of John Calvin (Men are immoral and predestination) They used Elders instead of a hierarchy of clergy members
Catholicism Believed in the seven sacraments thought grand ceremonies were important Believed you could buy salvation Believed Good Acts got you salvation Reject some Bible doctrine and think that the Bible is not sufficient Church is based a lot on traditions Church used the Bible as they saw fit Pope takes the place of Jesus
Protestantism Believe in two sacraments (baptism & communion) The Bible is the only thing needed for salvation (it's the sole authority) Do not believe in a Pope or church hierarchy (everyone is the same in God's eyes)
What are the seven sacraments? baptism, confirmation, the Eucharist, penance, anointing of the sick, holy orders, and matrimony
What language was the Catholic Bible in? The Protestant Bible? Catholic: Latin Protestant: Vernacular
What did Catholics believe you had to do for salvation? Have the seven sacraments and do good works. There were also indulgences.
What did Protestants think you had to do to get Salvation? Have a deep inner faith in God
Compare Catholic icon worship to Protestant icon worship. Catholic: Pray to saints and images of Jesus/ Cross. View the Pope as equivalent to Jesus. Protestants: Pray directly to Jesus/ God (no images). The Pope is not a religious figure.
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