Context Clues Study Cards


Flashcards on Context Clues Study Cards, created by Jennifer Pixley on 02/02/2024.
Jennifer Pixley
Flashcards by Jennifer Pixley, updated 4 months ago
Jennifer Pixley
Created by Jennifer Pixley 4 months ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Readers use the definition in the sentence to determine the unknown word. definition
Readers use an example or illustration (drawing) to understand the unknown word. example-illustration
Readers understand the unknown word because it is being compared (similarities) with another word in the sentence. compare
Readers understand the unknown word because it is being contrasted (differences) with another word in the sentence. contrast
Readers use a word in the sentence that means the opposite to determine the meaning of the unknown word. antonym
Readers use a word in the sentence that has the same meaning to determine the meaning of the unknown word. synonym
Reader's use their knowledge of root words and affixes to figure out the unknown word. roots and affixes
Readers use their own (prior) knowledge about the content and the text may provide clues to determine the meaning of the unknown word. logic/prior knowledge
Context clues are bits of information from the text that, when combined with prior knowledge, allow you to decide the meaning of unknown words in the story or article. context clues
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