Artifact Recognition


Artifacts listed in the moodle page of the course subject.
Berk Atalay
Flashcards by Berk Atalay, updated more than 1 year ago
Berk Atalay
Created by Berk Atalay about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Ajax & Achilles Playing Draughts By Exekias Black figured Style 540 BC
Altar At Pergamon Izmir/Turkey 160 BC
Portrait of Amenhotep IV Egyptian 1370 BC
Anunciation with Sts. Margaret & Ansanus Martini & Memmi 1333 AD
Apollo Belvedere By Leocares Classical Greek 350 BC
Assyrian Army Besieging a Fortress Mesapotamia (Akkadian Empire) 850 BC
Bison Altamira/France 16500-14000 BC
Bronze Charioteer Classical Greek 470 BC
Portico of Church of St. Trophime Arles Medieval 1180 AD
Creation of Adam By Michelangelo Sistine Chapel Ceiling 1510 AD
Darmstadt Madonna By Hans Holbein 1528 AD
Discus Thrower By Myron Classical Greek 450 BC
Equestrian Statue of Bartholomeo Colleoni By Andrea del Verrochio Venice 1485 AD
Hermes and Young Dionisus By Praxiteles Classical Greek 350 BC
Hoplite Accompanied by two Archers By Euthymides Red figured style 500 BC
Joan of Evreux The Virgin at St.Denis Romanesque 1339 AD
Kouroi of Argos By Polymedes Archaic Greek 580 BC
Laocoon and His Sons By Hagesandros, Athenodros, Polyodoros Hellenistic Greek 25 BC
Horse and other Animals Lascaux 15 000 - 10 000 BC
Lementation of Christ Trecento Fresco 1305 AD
Madonna del Granduca By Raphael 1505 AD
Madonna of the Rose Garden By Stefan Lochner 1435 AD
Madonna with the Long Neck By Parmigianino 1545 AD
Charioteers Marble frieze of Parthenon Classical Greek 440 BC
Trajan's Column 114 AD
Martyrdom of St.Sebastian By Piero del Pollaiuolo 1475 AD
Holy Trinity By Masaccio Santa Maria Novella / Firenze 1427 AD
Miracle of Loaves and Fishes Mosaic, in Ravenna 520 AD
Mona Lisa By Leonardo da Vinci 1502 AD
Monument of King Naram-Sin in Susa 2500 BC
Mourning the Dead in Athens Geometric Style 700 BC
Nativity Scene in Pisa Baptistry Pulpit 1260 AD
Old Testament Types of Christ Chartes Cathedral 1200 AD
Pesaro Madonna By Titian (Tiziano) 1526 AD
Portrait of Peter Parler the Younger By Peter Parler St. Vitus Cathedral 1370 AD
Pieta By Annibale Carracci Naples Baroque 1600 AD
Pope Paul III and His Grandsons By Titian (Tiziano) 1546 AD
Portrait of Alexander the Great By Lysippos Classical Greek 330 BC
Portrait of Vespian Roman 70 AD
Precession of the Middle King By Benozzo Gozzoli 1460 AD
Maiden Gathering Flowers in Stabie, Naples 1st Century BC
San Zaccaria Altarpiece By Giovanni Bellini 1505 AD
Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus 350 AD
The Dying Slave By Michelangelo in Lauvre Museum 1516 AD
St. Matthew from Ebbo Gospels in Epernay 830 AD
Ekkehard and Uta in Naumburg Cathedral 1260 AD
Statue of St. George By Donatello in Florance 1415 AD
St. James Led to His Execution By Andrea Mantegna 1455 AD
Tapesserie de Bayeux 1080 AD
The Annunciation By Fra Angelico Fresco in Florence 1440 AD
The Battle of San Romano By Paolo Uncello 1432 AD
The Birth of Venus By Sandro Boticelli 1485 AD
The Christ Pantokrator in Cathedral Basilica of Monreale, Sicily Byzantine 1190 AD
The Dream of Constantine By Piero Della Francesca 1464 AD
The Triumph of Galatea By Raphael 1512 AD
Tutankhamen with His Wife Egyptian 18th Dynasty 1350 BC
Venus of Milo By Alexandros of Antioch Hellnistic Greek 130 BC
Wilton Diptych in National Gallery, London Late Medieval 1400 AD
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