Created by Berk Atalay
about 2 years ago
Question | Answer |
Ajax & Achilles Playing Draughts By Exekias Black figured Style 540 BC | |
Altar At Pergamon Izmir/Turkey 160 BC | |
Portrait of Amenhotep IV Egyptian 1370 BC | |
Anunciation with Sts. Margaret & Ansanus Martini & Memmi 1333 AD | |
Apollo Belvedere By Leocares Classical Greek 350 BC | |
Assyrian Army Besieging a Fortress Mesapotamia (Akkadian Empire) 850 BC | |
Bison Altamira/France 16500-14000 BC | |
Bronze Charioteer Classical Greek 470 BC | |
Portico of Church of St. Trophime Arles Medieval 1180 AD | |
Creation of Adam By Michelangelo Sistine Chapel Ceiling 1510 AD | |
Darmstadt Madonna By Hans Holbein 1528 AD | |
Discus Thrower By Myron Classical Greek 450 BC | |
Equestrian Statue of Bartholomeo Colleoni By Andrea del Verrochio Venice 1485 AD | |
Hermes and Young Dionisus By Praxiteles Classical Greek 350 BC | |
Hoplite Accompanied by two Archers By Euthymides Red figured style 500 BC | |
Joan of Evreux The Virgin at St.Denis Romanesque 1339 AD | |
Kouroi of Argos By Polymedes Archaic Greek 580 BC | |
Laocoon and His Sons By Hagesandros, Athenodros, Polyodoros Hellenistic Greek 25 BC | |
Horse and other Animals Lascaux 15 000 - 10 000 BC | |
Lementation of Christ Trecento Fresco 1305 AD | |
Madonna del Granduca By Raphael 1505 AD | |
Madonna of the Rose Garden By Stefan Lochner 1435 AD | |
Madonna with the Long Neck By Parmigianino 1545 AD | |
Charioteers Marble frieze of Parthenon Classical Greek 440 BC | |
Trajan's Column 114 AD | |
Martyrdom of St.Sebastian By Piero del Pollaiuolo 1475 AD | |
Holy Trinity By Masaccio Santa Maria Novella / Firenze 1427 AD | |
Miracle of Loaves and Fishes Mosaic, in Ravenna 520 AD | |
Mona Lisa By Leonardo da Vinci 1502 AD | |
Monument of King Naram-Sin in Susa 2500 BC | |
Mourning the Dead in Athens Geometric Style 700 BC | |
Nativity Scene in Pisa Baptistry Pulpit 1260 AD | |
Old Testament Types of Christ Chartes Cathedral 1200 AD | |
Pesaro Madonna By Titian (Tiziano) 1526 AD | |
Portrait of Peter Parler the Younger By Peter Parler St. Vitus Cathedral 1370 AD | |
Pieta By Annibale Carracci Naples Baroque 1600 AD | |
Pope Paul III and His Grandsons By Titian (Tiziano) 1546 AD | |
Portrait of Alexander the Great By Lysippos Classical Greek 330 BC | |
Portrait of Vespian Roman 70 AD | |
Precession of the Middle King By Benozzo Gozzoli 1460 AD | |
Maiden Gathering Flowers in Stabie, Naples 1st Century BC | |
San Zaccaria Altarpiece By Giovanni Bellini 1505 AD | |
Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus 350 AD | |
The Dying Slave By Michelangelo in Lauvre Museum 1516 AD | |
St. Matthew from Ebbo Gospels in Epernay 830 AD | |
Ekkehard and Uta in Naumburg Cathedral 1260 AD | |
Statue of St. George By Donatello in Florance 1415 AD | |
St. James Led to His Execution By Andrea Mantegna 1455 AD | |
Tapesserie de Bayeux 1080 AD | |
The Annunciation By Fra Angelico Fresco in Florence 1440 AD | |
The Battle of San Romano By Paolo Uncello 1432 AD | |
The Birth of Venus By Sandro Boticelli 1485 AD | |
The Christ Pantokrator in Cathedral Basilica of Monreale, Sicily Byzantine 1190 AD | |
The Dream of Constantine By Piero Della Francesca 1464 AD | |
The Triumph of Galatea By Raphael 1512 AD | |
Tutankhamen with His Wife Egyptian 18th Dynasty 1350 BC | |
Venus of Milo By Alexandros of Antioch Hellnistic Greek 130 BC | |
Wilton Diptych in National Gallery, London Late Medieval 1400 AD |
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