History of Art Final Exam


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Flashcards by grigri_choco, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by grigri_choco almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The Embarkation for Cythera Watteau Rococo scène galante
Baptism of Christ Giotto 1304-06 Proto-renaissance religious
Ginger Jar and Fruit Cézanne 1895 Post-impressionism still life
Interior at Petworth Turner 1837 Romanticism interior landscape
The Death of Socrates David 1787 Neoclassism historical
Las Meninas Velazquez 1656-57 Baroque no theme
Wheat Field with Crows Van Gogh 1890 Post-impressionism landscape
Creation of Adam Michelangelo 1510 High Renaissance religious
Monk by the Sea Friedrich 1809 Romanticism spiritual
The Bolt Fragonard 1778 Rococo genre scene
The Last Supper Da Vinci 1498 High Renaissance religious
The Studio of the Painter Courbet 1855 Realism genre scene
The Art of Painting Vermeer 1665-67 Dutch Art allegory
Christ on the Cross between the Two Thieves Rubens 1619-20 Baroque religious
Angelus Millet 1859 Realism genre scene
Ta Matete (We Shall Not Go to Market Today) Gauguin 1892 Post-impressionism genre scene
Baptism of Christ Francesca 1448-50 Early Renaissance religious
Death of Sardanapalus Delacroix 1827 Romanticism historical
The Birth of Venus Boucher 1740 Rococo mythological
Impression, Sunrise Monet 1872 Impressionism landscape
The Miraculous Draught of Fishes Rubens 1619 Baroque religious
Annunciation Da Vinci 1472-75 High Renaissance religious
Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his Wife Van Eyck 1434 Early Renaissance portrait
The School of Athens Raphael 1509 High Renaissance historical
Portrait of Innoncent X Velazquez 1650 Baroque portrait
The Madonna in Majesty Cimabue Medieval (Byzantine) religious
Trinity Masaccio Early Renaissance religious
Lamentation Mantegna Early Renaissance religious
The Shower Millet Realism portrait
The Raising of the Cross Rubens Baroque religious
The Vision Gauguin Post-impressionism religious
Pope Leo X Raphael High Renaissance portrait
Oath David Neoclassicism historical
Large Bathers Cézanne Post-impressionism genre scene
Last Judgement Michelangelo High Renaissance religious
Wheatstacks Monet Impressionism landscape
Laid Table with Cheeses and Fruit Claesz van Dijck Dutch still life
Burial Courbet Realism genre scene
The Night Café Van Gogh Post-impressionism interior landscape
Fêtes Vénitiennes Watteau Rococo scène galante
Sea of Ice Friedrich Romanticism landscape
House of Parliament Monet Impressionism landscape
Rain, Steam and Speed Turner Romanticism landscape
The Procuress Van Hanthorst Dutch genre scene
The Incredulity Caravaggio Baroque religious
Young Girl Reading Fragonard Rococo genre scene
Sunday Afternoon Seurat Post-impressionism landscape
Vanitas Claesz Dutch still life
The Burning of the House Turner Romanticism historical
Odalisque Boucher Rococo genre scene
David Caravaggio Baroque religious
Milkmaid Vermeer Dutch genre scene
Bonaparte David Neoclassicism historical
Fishermen Turner Romanticism landscape
Abbey Friedrich Romanticism landscape
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