Unit 08_Health Terms1


SLS Indonesian
Flashcards by SLS Indonesian, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Created by SLS Indonesian over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
berjaga-jaga to be on alert
bubuk powder
comberan puddle
denyut nadi pulse
genangan puddle
gerak nadi pulse
got gutter
kesehatan (sehat) health
memperbanyak diri to multiply by itself
menaburkan (tabur) to scatter, to strew
menakar (takar) to measure
menampung (tampung) to collect, to accommodate
mengancam (ancam) to threaten
menghimbau (himbau) to appeal
menghinggap to perch, to alight
menghisap (hisap) to suck (e.g., a cigarette)
mengukur (ukur) to measure
menular (tular) to spread (like a disease)
menyimpan (simpan) to store, keep something in storage
parit ditch (n.)
penyakit (sakit) illness
saran (menyarankan) to suggest
sarang nest
selokan ditch (n.)
tertular (tular) to be infected
tular (menularkan) to infect
usul (mengusulkan) to suggest
wabah epidemic
(petugas/dokter/perawat) jaga someone on duty
alat tool(s)
bangsal ward (e.g., in a hospital)
berobat to take medication
gawat critical (e.g., situation)
genting critical (e.g., situation)
ingat to remember
kadar grade, level, destiny, fate
keluhan (keluh) complaint
kelumpuhan paralysis
lumpuh paralyzed (adj.)
memperingati to commemorate
memperingatkan to warn
mengeluh (keluh) to complain
mengingatkan to remind someone
menyiar (siar) to broadcast (e.g., news)
orang tertutup private person
parah serious (of wound, illness, situation)
pembawa acara emcee
pemirsa television audience (viewer)
peralatan equipment
perawatan (rawat) nursing/medial care
peringatan remembrance, commemoration, warning
rumah sakit hospital
rumah sakit swasta private hospital
rumah sakit umum public hospital
siaran berita news broadcast
swasta private (not publicly funded)
tekanan darah blood pressure
alhamdulillah Thank God! Praise be to God!
apes unfortunate
bungkus package (n.)
celaka misfortune (also used a mild swear word)
digips to have a cast put on
gang alley, hallway, corridor
heboh uproar, commotion
kecelakaan (celaka) accident
kejadian incident, happening, event.
kelap-kelip twinkling, flickering, blinking, sparkling
korban victim (of an accident)
lecet blister (n.), chafed (adj.)
melaju (laju) to move fast
menginjak (injak) to step on
musibah disaster, calamity
P3K Pertolongan Pertama Pada Kecelakaan first aid
penyok dent (n.)
pertolongan (tolong) help (n.)
pertolongan pertama first aid
pesok dent (n.)
ranjau mine (n.) [military]
salah paham misunderstand
selamat safe, congratulations
tabrak (menabrak) to collide, to hit
tabrakan (tabrak) collision
tahu-tahu all of a sudden
tanda sign, mark, signal (n.)
terjadi occur, to happen
bercerai divorced
berdiri sendiri independent
bergengsi prestigious
bingung confused (adj.)
bunuh diri (membunuh) to commit suicide
cemburu jealous
ciri-ciri fisik physical feature(s)
cocok suitable
iklan jodoh personal ad to look for a husband or a wife
iri hati envious
lega relieved (adj.)
memecahkan (pecah) to solve
menciptakan (cipta) to create
mengaku (aku) to admit, to confess
menyerahkan diri (serahkan) to surrender
pandangan luas open-minded
pengakuan confession
perasaan feeling(s)
percaya diri confident
putus asa hopeless
ragu-ragu hesitant
ramah friendly
sedih sad
sendiri=sendirian (colloq) alone
sendiri-sendiri seperately one by one, individually
sombong conceited, arrogant
tabah able to endure hardship
tersendiri exclusive
tersinggung offended, hurt (adj.)
tokoh prominent figure
wawasan luas open-minded
akhirnya (akhir) finally
asumsi assumption
bertanya pertanyaan (tanya) to ask a question
boleh may
botol bottle
bubur mush, porridge, oatmeal
enak delicious
hubungan (hubung) relationship
jelas clear
kembali return
kencing manis diabetes
kenyang full of or satisfied with food
kerupuk crisp
layar sail (n.)
lulus to graduate
melanjutkan (lanjut) to continue
membawa (bawa) to carry or bring
memungkinkan (mungkin) to allow or permit
menjawab pertanyaan (jawab) to answer a question
minta (meminta) to request
mulai (memulai) to begin
pedagang (dagang) trader or merchant
pesan message
pesawat terbang airplane
pilih (memilih) to choose
sahabat karib close friend(s)
sarana means (of doing s.t.)
sarapan breakfast
sebentar just, momentary
secara jelas clearly (review)
tadi malam last night
tambah (menambah) to add
tawarkan (menawar) to offer
teh manis sweet tea
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