Croatian_Unit 17_Day 4


FSI Language Training Croatian Basic Course, 2022 Flashcards on Croatian_Unit 17_Day 4, created by FSI Croatian on 24/07/2022.
FSI Croatian
Flashcards by FSI Croatian, updated 12 months ago
FSI Croatian
Created by FSI Croatian over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
izniman, iznimna, iynimno exceptional
opraštati se / oprostiti se to say farewell
putujući, putujuća traveling
pothvat endeavour
šira javnost broader public
posjetitelj, posjetitelji visitor
postajati / postati to become
raspoređivati / rasporediti to distribute, allocate
zadovoljavati / zadovoljiti potrebe to satisfy needs
uvjeti života life conditions
povisivati / povisiti to increase, raise
biti dobro raspoložen to be in a good mood
odobravati / odobriti to approve
toplice spa
ljekovit, ljekovita,ljekovito healing, medicinal
zasluživati / zaslužiti to deserve
Vi ćete biti kao novi! You will be as good as new!
na državnoj razini on national level
ogroman, ogromna, orgomno huge
potpora support
zastupljen, zastupljena represented
poput + G like, as
izlagati to exhibit
zavidjeti to envy
opravljati to run, to manage
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