Croatian_Unit 14_Day 1


FSI Language Training Croatian Basic Course, 2022 Flashcards on Croatian_Unit 14_Day 1, created by FSI Croatian on 24/07/2022.
FSI Croatian
Flashcards by FSI Croatian, updated 12 months ago
FSI Croatian
Created by FSI Croatian over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
čuvati djecu to take care of (children), babysit
dadilja nanny
oporavljati se / oporaviti se to get better
igračka toy
kućni ljubimac house pet
ušteđevina savings
spašavati / spasiti (nekoga) to save (someone)
trošak, troškovi expense, expenses
dobro odgojen well raised, good mannered
neodgojen ill mannered, rude
rasprava discussion
red i disciplina order and discipline
sprava device, gadget
odrastati / odrasti to grow up
otuđen, otuđena alienated
pokojni deceased
momak young (unmarried) man
društvene mreže social networks
računalo computer
svratiti to drop by
Svijet je totalno poludio! The world has gone mad!
precjenjivati / precjeniti to overrate
veterinar veterinarian
ipak nevertheless
biti u kazni (kazna) to be grounded (punishment)
Dosta izmotavanja! Enough fooling around!
Sram te bilo! Shame on you!
cjepivo vaccine
Što ću vam ja! What can I say!
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