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Created by FSI Croatian
over 2 years ago
Question | Answer |
paliti / upaliti | to turn on (light, lighter, TV) |
gledatelj / gledateljica | viewer |
sinoć | last night |
fešta | party |
obilježavati / obilježiti | to mark |
kraj | end |
nastupati / nastupiti | to preform |
zabavljač | performer |
uvjeren / uvjerena | convinced |
po svom guštu | to one’s pleasure |
srdele na žaru | sardines on the grill |
degustirati | to taste |
ugostitelj | restauranteur |
trgovac | merchant, retailer, seller |
pokrovitelj, pokroviteljica | sponsor |
točka na i | crowning moment |
zbrajati / zbrojiti | to count (money, things) |
on je navikao / ona je navikla na... | he /she is used to... |
dostizati / dostići | to reach, to catch up with |
stanovnik | inhabitant; resident |
odbijati / odbiti | to refuse |
pratiti emisiju | to follow a show |
manifestacija | public event |
u sredini | in the middle |
unutar | within, inside of |
iznutra | from inside |
okružen, okružena | surrounded |
u privitku | in the attachment |
rodni kraj | home land |
znatiželjan, znatiželjna | curious |
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