Croatian_Unit 9_Day 4


FSI Language Training Croatian Basic Course, 2022 Flashcards on Croatian_Unit 9_Day 4, created by FSI Croatian on 21/07/2022.
FSI Croatian
Flashcards by FSI Croatian, updated more than 1 year ago
FSI Croatian
Created by FSI Croatian over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
paliti / upaliti to turn on (light, lighter, TV)
gledatelj / gledateljica viewer
sinoć last night
fešta party
obilježavati / obilježiti to mark
kraj end
nastupati / nastupiti to preform
zabavljač performer
uvjeren / uvjerena convinced
po svom guštu to one’s pleasure
srdele na žaru sardines on the grill
degustirati to taste
ugostitelj restauranteur
trgovac merchant, retailer, seller
pokrovitelj, pokroviteljica sponsor
točka na i crowning moment
zbrajati / zbrojiti to count (money, things)
on je navikao / ona je navikla na... he /she is used to...
dostizati / dostići to reach, to catch up with
stanovnik inhabitant; resident
odbijati / odbiti to refuse
pratiti emisiju to follow a show
manifestacija public event
u sredini in the middle
unutar within, inside of
iznutra from inside
okružen, okružena surrounded
u privitku in the attachment
rodni kraj home land
znatiželjan, znatiželjna curious
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