Croatian_Unit 8_Day 3


FSI Language Training Croatian Basic Course, 2022 Flashcards on Croatian_Unit 8_Day 3, created by FSI Croatian on 21/07/2022.
FSI Croatian
Flashcards by FSI Croatian, updated more than 1 year ago
FSI Croatian
Created by FSI Croatian about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Bolje ikad nego nikad. Better now than never.
primljen received
zadovoljstvo pleasure
ukrašen decorated
sve u svemu all in all
Bilo je sjajno! It was splendid!
budući future
svečan festive, official
dodjela nagrada award ceremony
dodjeljivati / dodijeliti to award
izvanredan exceptional
obilježavati / obilježiti to mark
poslodavac employer
kršenje ljudskih prava violation of human rights
doprinositi / doprinijeti to contribute
dio (m.) part
provoditi / provesti cenzuru to implement censorship
biti pod pritiskom to be under pressure
tijelo body
ugrožen endangered, threatened, jeopardized
održavati / održati govor to give a speech
napor effort
večerašnji događaj this evening’s event
međutim however
stanje condition
zabrinut worried
odavati / odati priznanje to pay tribute, give credit
izražavati / izraziti zahvalnost to express gratitude
unatoč ( + Dative) despite
izazov challenge
suočavati se s / suočiti se s to face (with)
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