Unit 04_Vocabulary for Fluency_Some Transitive Indonesian meN- verbs - Sheet1


College Languages - Unit 4: Shopping & Bargaining (Grammar For Fluency) Flashcards on Unit 04_Vocabulary for Fluency_Some Transitive Indonesian meN- verbs - Sheet1, created by SLS Indonesian on 09/06/2022.
SLS Indonesian
Flashcards by SLS Indonesian, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Created by SLS Indonesian almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
mengajak to invite someone to do something
mengajar to teach
mengangkat to lift
mengantar to take someone/something somewhere
mengatur to arrange, organise
membaca to read
membahas to discuss
membakar to burn
membantah to deny
membawa to carry
membayar to pay
membela to defend
memberi to give
memberitahu to inform
membuka to open
mencari to search, look for
mencuci to wash
menculik to kidnap
mencuri to steal
mendaki to climb (a mountain)
mendapat to get, obtain, gain
mendukung to support
menggali to dig
mengganggu to disturb
mengganti to replace
menghias to decorate
mengintip to peep
mengisi to fill
menjaga to take care
menjahit to sew
menjawab to reply
menjemput to pick someone up
menjual to sell
melihat to see, look
memasak to cook
memulai to begin
memakai to wear, use
memanggil to call, summon
memanjat to climb (a tree)
memasang to set up, install
memeriksa to check, inspect
memesan to order
memilih to choose
meminang to propose (marriage)
meminta to ask for something, request
merusak to damage intentionally
menyalin to copy
menyapu to sweep (floor, yard)
menyewa to rent
menyimpan to store, keep
menyiram to water, spray
menangkap to catch
menarik to pull
menawar to bargain
menelpon to telephone
menonton to watch
menunggu to wait
menunjuk to point, choose
menutup to close
mengulang to repeat
mengundang to invite (for example, to a party)
mengurus to organise
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