Unit 04_Vocabulary for Fluency_100 Common Indonesian Verbs - Sheet1


College Languages - Unit 4: Shopping & Bargaining (Vocabulary For Fluency) Flashcards on Unit 04_Vocabulary for Fluency_100 Common Indonesian Verbs - Sheet1, created by SLS Indonesian on 09/06/2022.
SLS Indonesian
Flashcards by SLS Indonesian, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Created by SLS Indonesian over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
memberikan to give
mengambil to take
membeli to buy
membayar to pay
menyetir to drive
berjalan to walk
terbang to fly
berenang to swim
bermain to play
menerima to receive
berlatih to exercise
bekerja to work
melakukan to do
pergi to go
mengatakan to say
berbicara to speak
belajar to study
mengajar to teach
memasak to cook
berteriak to shout
membuka to open
menutup to close
meninggalkan to leave
tiba to arrive
berasal dari to be from
berangkat ke to leave for
memulai to start
memyelesaikan to finish
mati to die
mematikan to turn off
hidup to live
menghidupkan to turn on
membaca to read
bertanya to ask
mengeja to spell
menjawab to answer
ingin to want
merasa to feel
berpikir to think
menipu To cheat/ fool/ deceive
meletakkan to lay down
tidur to sleep
bangun to wake
mendengar to hear
mendengarkan to listen
menjadi to be
menahan to hold, to resist
berlatih to train, to practice
bertukar to exchange
bergerak to move
makan to eat
minum to drink
bersosialisasi to socialize
memperbaiki to correct
bergaul to mingle, to socialize
mengaktifkan to turn into something
belok to turn
tinggal to stay
menghentikan to stop
membantu to help
tumbuh to grow
pulang to go home
mencuci to wash
mencari to look for
menonton to watch
memperbaiki to fix
berdebat to argue, debate
beristirahat to take a break
merokok to smoke
mendaki to climb
meningkatkan to raise
jatuh to fall
bercanda to joke
menyewa to rent
menyanyi to sing
menari to dance
memiliki to have
perlu to need something
harus must, need to
menyikat to brush
menangis to cry
memukul to punch, to hit
merobek to rip
mencintai to love
membersihkan to clean
berbelanja to go shopping
tawar menawar to bargain
memasak to cook
menyinggung to offend
meminta to ask
membawa to bring
lupa to forget
memgetahui to know
mempelajari to learn
membuat to make
memenuhi to fulfill
mengingat to remember
melihat to see
duduk to sit
mendapatkan to get
tertawa to laugh
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