Turkish Basic Course Unit 06


Turkish, Unit 06, Turkish Basic Course
Beyhan Kurt
Flashcards by Beyhan Kurt, updated more than 1 year ago
Beyhan Kurt
Created by Beyhan Kurt almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
abla older sister
ağabey/abi older brother
aile dostu family friend
aile family
Akdeniz Mediterranean Sea
akraba relative
alt under
altın gold
amca paternal uncle
anne mother
anneanne maternal grandmother
antika antique
arası between
arka back
Asya Asia
atölye studio
Avrupa Europe
baba father
babaanne paternal grandmother
bakır copper
balıkçı fisherman
bardak glass (tumbler, drinking container)
bayrak flag
bence in my opinion
berber barber
bilgisayar computer
birkaç a few, several
Boğaz/boğaz Strait/throat
boş empty
bozuk out of order
bölüm section
burun nose
cam glass
çalışma odası study room
çanta bag, purse
çelik steel
çınar sycamore tree
çiftlik farm
çikolata chocolate
çorba soup
dağlık mountainous
dayı maternal uncle
dede/büyükbaba grandfather
dernek association
dış outside; exterior
dil language; tongue
dolap cupboard
dost good friend
dosya file, folder
durum, hal situation
Ege Denizi Aegean Sea
eşarp scarf
fena, kötü bad
fikir idea, thought
gemi ship
genel olarak in general
geniş wide
gerek necessary
gezi tour
gibi like
giyinme odası dressing room
göl lake
…a göre according to …
gümüş silver
hakem referee; arbitrator
hala paternal aunt
han inn
harika marvelous, wonderful
hayvanat bahçesi zoo
hazırlık preparation
hemen hemen nearly, almost; more or less
hemşire nurse
herkes everybody
inside, interior
il province
ilkokul elementary school
imkansız impossible
ipek silk
iskemle chair
işhanı office block
jimnastik salonu gym
kadeh wine glass, goblet
kanepe sofa
kapı door
Karadeniz Black Sea
kardeş sibling
karşı across
kat floor, story
kayık boat (small)
keten linen
keyifle with enjoyment
kıta continent
kız girl
kızı his/her daughter
kızkardeş sister
kitapevi, kitapçı bookstore
kitaplık bookshelf
kilometre kare square km
koltuk armchair
konservatuvar conservatory
köşe corner
köy village
kravat necktie
klübe hut, cottage
kurt wolf
kutu box
kuzen cousin
laboratuvar laboratory
lamba lamp
maç match, game
mağaza store, shop
mahalle neighborhood
makale article
marka brand name
masa table, desk
meslektaş colleague
meyve fruit
mısır corn
misafir odası living room
mobilya furniture
muayenehane doctor's examination room
muhakkak definitely
mutfak kitchen
mümkün possible
müşteri customer
nehir river
nezle cold (sniffles; runny nose)
nihayet finally
nüfus population
odacı office janitor
oğlu his/her son
oğul son
oturma odası family room
öğle yemeği lunch
ön front
pencere window
plastik plastic
psikolog psychologist
rosto roast
sabır patience
sağlıklı healthy
sandalye chair
sarhoş drunk
sarı yellow
sebze vegetable
sefaret/büyükelçilik embassy
sinagog synagogue
sözlük dictionary
şarküteri deli shop
şart must; stipulation, condition
tablo framed painting; chart
tahta wooden
takım team
taraf side
tarla field (plantable)
tavuk chicken
tencere pot, saucepan
teyze aunt (mother's sister)
toprak land, soil
torun grandchild
Trakya Thrace
ulaşım transportation
vakit time
yan side
yasak ban; forbidden
yaş age
... yaşında at the age of ...
yat yacht
yatak odası bedroom
yatak bed
yazı writing, article
yeğen niece/nephew
yemek odası dining room
yeterli enough, sufficent
yüksek high
yüzölçüm area measurement
zamanında on time
aramak/-I to call; to look for
değişir it changes
değişmek to change (intrans.)
değiştirmek/-I to exchange
doğmak-DA to be born
düzenlemek-I to organize
gerekmek to be necessary
imzalamak-I to sign
inmek/-A/-DAn to land, to go down; to get off
kazanmak/-I to gain; to earn; to win
okumak/-I to read; to major in a subject at university
restore etmek/-I to restore
yer ayırtmak/-DA to reserve (room, table, etc)
yola çıkmak to set out, to start a journey
zayıflamak to lose weight
Kolay gelsin! May God help you!
ayrıca da and also, in addition to that
bir haberim var I have news (for you)
doğum günün kutlu olsun! happy birthday!
haydi come on; let's
işte here it is
ne kadar şanslısın! how lucky you are!
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