Unit 03_Bad Personal Traits and Characteristics


College Languages - Unit 3: Getting to Know You (Vocabulary) Flashcards on Unit 03_Bad Personal Traits and Characteristics, created by SLS Indonesian on 29/12/2021.
SLS Indonesian
Flashcards by SLS Indonesian, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Created by SLS Indonesian almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
jahat mean-spirited
iri, dengki jealous, envious
cemburu jealous (with love)
egois selfish
mudah putus asa give up easily
suka mengatur bossy
kecil hati not confident
gila crazy
tamak greedy
tidak mudah percaya do not trust others easily
penipu cheater, like to tell lies
pembohong liar
besar mulut boastful
sombong proud, vain, uppish
angkuh proud, vain, uppish
pamer show-off
acuh indifferent, could not care less attitude
sok pintar smart aleck
(sok = someone thinks he is ..., but he is actually not, he is assumed to be ...) sok kaya He thinks he is rich, but he is not.
(sok = someone thinks he is ..., but he is actually not, he is assumed to be ...) sok baik He thinks he is kind, but he is not.
(sok = someone thinks he is ..., but he is actually not, he is assumed to be ...) sok tahu He thinks he knows it all, but he does not.
tinggi hati proud, vain, uppish
ngawur wreckless, careless
ngaco wreckless, careless
keras kepala hard headed
pembual boastful
plin plan wishy washy, change plans often
tidak bisa dipercaya cannot be trusted
pelit cheap with money, and giving others
tidak mau tahu do not want to listen to others, or to understand others
serakah greedy
kasar rough
tidak sabar impatient
pemalu shy
pemfitnah detractor, slanderer, backstabber
pemberontak rebelious
tidak setia disloyal
pembangkang not obedient, intractable, rebel
pecandu an addict
pemecah belah like to divide others and make them turn agains one another
bandel hard headed
musyrik polytheist
tidak bertuhan godless
tidak beriman not faithful religiously
rakus greedy with food, eat a lot without considering others
penakut coward, afraid of one's own shadow
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