Chapter 2


chapter 2 flashcards
Flashcards by scpait, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by scpait over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Mesopotamia located in the region known as fertile cresent
Sumerians first civilazation
Polytheistic belief of more than one god
Ziggurats a rectuangular tower
Theocracy a system of goverment
cuneiform wedge shaped writings
Hammurabis law code Earliest legal code
patriarchal Goverment controlled by men
Nile River a river in africa
inundation annual flooding of nile river
cataracts waterfalls along the nile
king menes ancients pharoh
dynasty a sequence of rulers from the same family
pharaoh a ruler in anceint eygpt
vizier a high offical
mummifaction the body was removed of all organs and wrapped
ba&ka a nomadic pymgy people
canopic jars were used by eygptians durning mumifaction
Great pyramids oldest is giza
King khufu fourth dynasty
sphinx A mythical creature lion body human head
old kingdom period of 3 milleneum bc
middle kingdom between 2000bc and 1700bc
new kingdom eygptian empire
queen hatshepsut thutmose 2
tutankhameh eygptian phoaroh
ramses 2 third pharaoh
cleopatra last pharaoh of ancient eygpt
scribe writes books
hierogylyphics early writing
cultural diffusion the sreading of ideas from one culture to another.
deity a god or gods
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