KS3 Science Physics Revision Cards


Revision cards for science (physics) at KS3 level.
Lilac Potato
Flashcards by Lilac Potato, updated more than 1 year ago
Lilac Potato
Created by Lilac Potato over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the order of the planets in our solar system? Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
What would the weight of a 50kg object be on Earth? 500N
What would the mass of a 50kg object be on the moon? 50kg (it doesn't change no matter where you are)
How do we have seasons? In our summer, the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun. In our winter, the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun. This is because the Earth is tilted (23.4 degrees from vertical).
What kind of waves are light waves? Light waves are transverse waves, like the ripples in a tank of water. The direction of vibration in the waves is at 90° to the direction that the light travels.
What is the law of reflection? Angle of incidence = angle of reflection
Why might light waves change speed? Light waves change speed when they pass across the boundary between two substances with a different density, such as air and glass.
Finish the sentence: 'At the boundary between two transparent substances...' '... the light slows down going into a denser substance, and the ray bends towards the normal.' or '... the light speeds up going into a less dense substance, and the ray bends away from the normal.'
Diagram of refraction: (click thumbs up if you understand it)
What is dispersion? Splitting white light into a spectrum of colours using a prism.
What are the primary and secondary colours of light? The primary colours are green, red and blue. The secondary colours are cyan, yellow and magenta.
What kind of waves are sound waves? Sound waves are longitudinal. The vibrations are in the same direction as the direction of travel.
Can sound be reflected off surfaces? Yes, sound waves can reflect off surfaces. We hear sound reflections as echoes. Hard, smooth surfaces are particularly good at reflecting sound. This is why empty rooms produce lots of echoes. Soft, rough surfaces are good at absorbing sound. This is why rooms with carpets and curtains do not usually produce lots of echoes.
What is the amplitude? The amplitude is the maximum height of the wave from its resting position – the greater the amplitude, the louder the sound .
What is the wavelength? The wavelength is the distance between the crests (tops) of two waves next to each other (or any other two identical points on waves next to each other).
What is the frequency? The frequency is the number of waves per second – the higher the frequency, the closer together the waves are and the higher the pitch.
Does sound travel in gases quicker than liquids and solids? No, sound travels faster in liquids and solids. This is because the particles of gases are further apart than liquids and solids. Sound waves move more slowly when particles are further apart.
What is the frequency of sound waves measured in? hertz (Hz)
Finish the sentence: 'Sound with a frequency of more than 20,000 Hz is called...' '...ultrasound.' It is too high pitched for humans to hear, but other animals (such as dogs, cats and bats) can hear ultrasound.
Complete the sentence: 'Current in a series circuit...' '... is always the same.'
Complete the sentence: 'Voltage in a series circuit..' '.. is shared out between the bulbs.'
Complete the sentence: 'Current in a parallel circuit...' '... is split.'
Complete the sentence: 'Voltage in a parallel circuit..' '... is the same at every point.'
State 3 uses of electromagnets. In car motors, in televisions and in automatic doors.
State the energy transformation for a television. Electrical energy into light energy, sound energy and heat energy.
How is energy generated from coal? A coal power station turns the chemical energy in coal into heat energy which is turned into electrical energy.
Name the 10 forms of energy. Magnetic, Kinetic, Heat, Light, Gravitational potential, Chemical, Sound, Electrical, Elastic potential and Nuclear energy. (Most Kids Hate Learning GCSE Energy Names)
What do ammeters measure and where do they go in a circuit? Ammeters measure current and they go into the circuit.
What do voltmeters measure and where do they go in a circuit? Voltmeters measure voltage and they go in parallel to the circuit.
What are the 3 types of weathering? Give examples of them. Physical - onion skin weathering or freeze-thaw weathering Chemical - acid rain Biological - animals and plants e.g. burrows and tree roots
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