Chapter 16 Flashcards


Fossil formation, relative and absolute dating methods.
Ronan Kavanagh
Flashcards by Ronan Kavanagh, updated more than 1 year ago
Ronan Kavanagh
Created by Ronan Kavanagh over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Relative Dating Exact age unknown, but it is known if it is older/younger than other sample or earth it was found in. Allows sequence of events to be established.
Absolute Dating Age of sample known in years of a fossil or artefact.
Potassium-Argon Dating Absolute dating method where ratio of Potassium-40 to Calcium- and Argon-40 is used. Half-Life = 1.21 billion years
Radiocarbon Dating Based on Carbon-14 to Nitrogen decay. Half-Life = 5700 years
Artefact An object made or modified by humans
Index Fossils - Widespread, but for a short period of time - Can be used in stratigraphy to date other fossils
AMS Radiocarbon Dating TBA
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