Classical Civilisation Laws


A level classical civilisations Flashcards on Classical Civilisation Laws, created by Jasmine Aldridge on 10/02/2020.
Jasmine Aldridge
Flashcards by Jasmine Aldridge, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Juliet Richards
Created by Juliet Richards almost 8 years ago
Jasmine Aldridge
Copied by Jasmine Aldridge almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Lex Acilia Calpurnia 67BC permanent exclusion from office in cases of extortion
Lex Aurelia Iudicaria 70BC arranged equitable distribution of jury service amongst senators, equites and tribunes
Lex Gabinia 67BC Gave Pompey overriding command against pirates in mediterranean
Lex Licinia et Pompeia 55BC consuls Pompey and Crassus prolonged Caesar's proconsulship in Gaul for another 5 years
Lex Manilia (de Imperio Pompeius) 66BC gave Pompey overall command in East to fight Mithridates
Lex Roscia 49BC proposed by Caesar, gave citizenship to people of Transalpine Gaul
Lex Rubria 45BC incorporates Cisalpine Gaul into Italy
Lex Titia 43BC Legalises 2nd Triumvirate (Octavian, Lepidus, Antony)
Lex Tullia 63BC passed by Cicero during consulship to regulate electoral fraud (ambitus)
Lex Vatinia 59BC gave Caesar governorship of Cisalpine Gaul and Illyricum for 5 years
Lex Agraria regulating distribution of public lands
Lex Annalis qualifications for office and magistracies (age, money, etc)
Lex Ambitu electoral bribery and corruption
Lex Curiata de Imperio Comitia Curiata used to ratify the choice of a new king, also confirmed Octavian's adoption as Caesar's son 43BC
Lex Frumentaria regulating price of grain
Lex sumptuaria regulating use of luxury items and publlic manifestations of wealth
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