

Degree Repro Flashcards on Contraception, created by Hannah Tribe on 19/02/2015.
Hannah Tribe
Flashcards by Hannah Tribe, updated more than 1 year ago
Hannah Tribe
Created by Hannah Tribe over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are some general benefits of using contraception? 1. Preventing unwanted pregnancy and the associated costs 2. Reduces heavy/painful periods 3. Increases choice 4. Can improve sexual health 5. Gives female equality
What does the combined oral contraceptive pill contain? A synthetic oestrogen (usually ethinyloestradiol) and progestagens (previously norethisterone,levonorgestrel - newere desogestrel, gestodene, norgestimate)
What is the mechanism of action of the COCP? Oestrogen acts via -ve feedback on HPG axis to prevent release of LH and FSH, to trick the body into thinking it's pregnant and so preventing ovulation. Progestagens also have this -ve feedback effect, but also keep the endometrium at constantly thin, non-secretory levels, diminish movement of cilia in fallopian tubes and cause thickening of cervical mucus to prevent sperm entering the uterus.
What are the benefits of the COCP? (4) 1. It is a reliable, safe method of contraception unrelated to coitus in which the woman is in control 2. It is rapidly reversible 3. Reduces risks of ovarian/endometrial and colon cancers 4. Can help in women who normally have heavy, painful periods or endometriosis/fibroids/RA?
What are the risks of the COCP? (5) 1. Progestagens increase risk of arterial-related CVD 2. Oestrogen increases production of clotting factors in the liver so increases risk of DVT, VTE etc. 3. Possible increased risk of breast/cervical cancer 4. Dermatological problems 5. Psychological - mood swings/effect on libido?
What is the rule for taking COCP? Take every day for 21 days, then have 7 day pill free interval (PFI). If miss a pill in frist 7 days, use condoms for extra protection. If miss a pill in last 7 days, do not have a PFI, start next packet straight away.
What are some interacting drugs on the COCP? 1. Any liver enzyme-inducing drugs which would affect metabolism of hormones 2. Some broad spectrum antibiotics
What is the combined vaginal contraceptive? Same as the pill, but given into the vaginal mucosa for 21 days, then removed for 7 days.
What are the various forms of progesterone only contraception? (4) 1. Implants 2. Hormone releasing IUD 3. Progesterone-only pill (POP) 4. Injections
What is the most used POP and why is it favoured? Desogestrel (Cerazette), because it has same effects as COCP without the risks of oestrogen, with a 12 hour window as with COCP.
How do copper bearing IUDs work? They destroy sperm and prevent implantation by causing a local inflammatory reaction and secreting prostaglandins.
What are the benefits of IUDs? (5) 1. Non user-dependent 2. effective immediately but can also be reversed immediately 3. Can be very long term (up to 12 years?) 4. Very reliable 5. Unrelated to coitus
What are some of the risks of IUDs? (5) 1. Trained medical professional must fit it 2. Fitting can be painful 3. Can cause heavier and more painful periods 4. No protection against STIs 5. Male may feel threads
What are the risks associated with IUDs? (3) 1. If pregnancy occurs, it will be ectopic or cause a miscarriage 2. IUD may be expelled 3. May perforate the uterus (especially if unaware of the anatomy when inserting)
What are the absolute contraindications against IUDs? (4) 1. Current pelvic inflammatory disease 2. Suspected or known pregnancy 3. Unexplained vaginal bleeding 4. Anatomical abnormalities of the uterus (e.g. 2 uteruses)
List some advantages of condoms (5) 1. Gives control 2. Protects against STIs 3. No serious health risks 4. Easily available 5. Female only - can be left in advance and does not depend on an erection
List some disadvantages of condoms (4) 1. Need education on proper use 2. Can cause allergic reactions 3. Can be less effective when combined with oily lubricants 4. Females only - can be expensive, messy and make noise during sex
What is a diaphragm cap? What are its advantages/disadvantages? A latex dome that fits across the vagina and is used with a spermicide. Can be put in in advance, but can be messy, with higher failure rate and chance of UTI/Candida, needs education to use.
How can fertility awareness be used as a contraceptive method? If a woman has a regular cycle so can know exactly when she is ovulating, she can plan when to have sex to avoid/cause pregnancy.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of relying on fertility awareness? It is non-medical and can be used worldwide, even within strict communities such as the Catholic church. However it requires education and may limit sexual activity and cause strain on relationships.
What is in the emergency contraceptive pill? High dose of oestrogen and progesterone to prevent chance of pregnancy up to 72 hours after unprotected sex. Stats on effectiveness tell %prevention of pregnancies that would have occurred naturally.
What else can be used as emergency contraception? Inserting a copper IUD (will kill sperm if in 1st half of cycle, prevent implantation in 2nd half).
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