

Flashcards on Hypovolemia, created by M B on 03/06/2019.
Flashcards by M B, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by M B over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Fluid Loss risk factors Strenuous exercising Caffeine/ alcohol Living at high elevations or in dry climates Older adults
Hypovolemia vital sign findings Tachycardia (in an attempt to maintain normal b/p) thready pulse hypotension orthostatic hypotension decreased central venous pressure tachypnea hypoxia
Hypovolemia neuromusculoskeletal assessment findings Dizziness syncope confusion weakness fatigue
Hypovolemia GI assessment findings Thirsty Acute wt. loss dry furrowed tongue nausea vomiting anorexia
Hypovolemia Renal assessment findings Oliguria
Hypovolemia/hypernatremia assessment findings Extreme Thirst dry/flushed skin postural hypotension Fever Confusion/agitation Coma/seizures can occur b/c onset of fluid imbalance is rapid
Hypovolemia assessment image
Hypovolemia Labs Hematocrit (Hct): Increased BUN: Greater than 25mg/dl Urine specific gravity: Greater than 1.030 Serum sodium: Greater than 145meq/l Serum osmolality: Greater than 295 mOsm/kg
Hypovolemia nursing care What to monitor I/O Vitals/ Orthostatic measurement Changes in mentation/ confusion (condition is worsening) Monitor wt q8hr during fluid replacement
Hypovolemia treatment IV fluids O2 management
What type of precautions should be implemented when pt. is hypovolemic? Fall precautions. Assess gait stability and encourage call light use
Hypovolemia client education Drink plenty of fluids Educate patient about causes of hypovolemia (N/V) Change positions slowly
Diminished capillary refill, cool clammy skin, diaphoresis, sunken eyeballs, flattened neck veins, poor skin turgor, wt loss, low central venous pressure are signs and symptoms of Hypervolemia or Hypovolemia? Hypovolemia
Complications associated with hypovolemia Hypovolemic shock
Hypovolemic shock nursing actions -Administer/monitor O2 (<70% is a medical emergency) -stay with the unstable client -monitor vitals q15min -provide fluid replacement with colloids/crystalloids -Administer vasoconstrictors, agents to improve myocardial perfusion, and/or positive inotropic medications -Perform hemodynamic monitoring
4 examples of colloids whole blood, packed RBCs, plasma, synthetic plasma expanders
2 examples of crystalloids lactated ringers normal saline
3 examples of vasoconstrictors dopamine norepinephrine phenylephrine
Sodium nitroprusside dobutamine milrinone improves myocardial perfusion
what is hemodynamic monitoring measures the blood pressure inside the veins, heart, and arteries. It also measures blood flow and how much oxygen is in the blood. It is a way to see how well the heart is working.
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