GCSE Dual Award Science | Year 10 | Biology | Higher Tier


GCSE Dual Award Science | Year 10 | Biology | Higher Tier
Flashcards by Spuddylicious, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Spuddylicious about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Give two reasons for the low death rate from infectious diseases in modern hospitals. - Better / new drugs. - Better understanding of immunity.
What is meant by metabolic rate? The rate of chemical reactions in the body.
Give two factors that may affect a person’s metabolic rate. - The amount of exercise they do. - Calorie intake.
Give two factors that may affect a person’s metabolic rate. - Gender. - Growth Rate.
Give two ways that a woman could change her lifestyle to live longer. - Reduce her food intake. - Increase the amount of exercise she does.
Name one plant hormone. Auxin.
Give the main features of asexual reproduction. - Only one parent. - No mixing of Genetic Material. - No fertilisation.
Suggest one advantage of using tissue culture and not using cuttings to produce plants. More offspring produced by a single parent plant.
What is a drug? A substance that affects Body Chemistry.
There is a junction between the connecting neurone and the neurone carrying the impulse to the brain. What name is given to the junction? A Synapse.
In what form is information passed across the Synapse? Chemical Impulses.
Describe the pathway taken by the nerve impulse in the Blink Reflex. Light Sensitive Cell - Connecting Neurone - Sensory Neurone - Brain - Motor Neurone - Eyelid Muscle.
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