8th Grade Unit 3 Physics Mini Quiz


Mini Quiz on Unit 3 Physical Test
Teresa Bui
Flashcards by Teresa Bui, updated more than 1 year ago
Teresa Bui
Created by Teresa Bui almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Distance The amount of space between two points.
Origin The starting point or reference point in which positions are described from.
Position The current location of an object according to the origin or starting point.
Coordinates The negative or positive numbers on geographic points used to describe a position
Speed The distance an object travels divided by the time it takes.
Constant Speed The speed of an object that travels the same distance every time unit or interval
Average Speed The total distance divided by the total time
Velocity The speed (the distance traveled over a period of time) with a specific direction.
Slope A line made by the points on a graph
What is the formula for Speed? Distance divided by Time d/t
What is the formula for Distance? Speed times Time s x t
What is the formula for Time? Distance divided by Speed d/s
Force (F) an action (push/pull) that has the ability to change motion.
Friction (f) a force that resists forward motion
Vector A quantity that includes SIZE and direction
Magnitude Describes the size of a vector
Net Force (Fnet) the sum of all known forces on an object
Balanced Forces When the sum of an object's forces are equal to zero.
Equilibrium a STATE of balance forces or when forces=0
Normal Force (Fn) a force that a surface exerts on an object that is pressing on it
Tension A pulling force that acts in a string, rope, or other object.
Compression A squeezing force that can act on a spring
What are the types of Forces? -Friction -Nuclear -Electromagnetic -Gravitational
What are the types of Friction? -Static -Rolling -Sliding -Air Resistance -Viscous
What forces on present on a free body diagram/force diagram Normal Force, Forward Force, Friction, Gravitational Force
Where are the forces located on the Free Body Diagram/Force Diagram Normal Force(top), Forward Force(right), Friction(left), Gravitational Force(bottom)
Which forces on the Free Body Diagram/Force Diagram are Positive and Negative? Normal Force, Forward Force are positive and Gravitational Force, Friction are negative
Inertia A property of matter that an object has that resists a change in motion. More Mass=More Inertia Bowling Ball&Golf Ball, Bowling Ball is harder to push, because more INERTIA
Unbalanced Forces A net force result that shows a change in motion; can be (+) or (-) Basically the object is moving
Acceleration The rate that speed changes over time
Freefall The motion of an object only acted on by the force of gravity; air resistance has little to no effect.
What is Newton's 1st Law? An object at rest, will stay at rest, until an outside force changes its state. (Same with an object in motion)
What is Newton's 2nd Law? Force causes acceleration, but mass resists acceleration (slows it down). Proves F=mxa formula
What is Newtons 3rd Law? For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
What is the FIRST acceleration Formula? Magic Triangle. F=mxa M=f/a A=f/m
What is the SECOND acceleration formula? Speed2-Speed1 ------------------------- Time
Static Friction No object movement
Sliding Friction Friction that is applied to moving objects
Rolling Friction Friction applied to rolling objects
Air Resistance Friction The friction of motion through air
Viscous Friction Friction with movement in liquids
Nuclear Force The force that holds atoms together
Electromagnetic Force force between positively charged and negatively charged objects
Gravitational Force Force of attraction due to great distances in mass and difference
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