Legalities and Ethnics in Critical Care Areas


Flashcards on Legalities and Ethnics in Critical Care Areas, created by Elizabeth Then on 29/08/2018.
Elizabeth Then
Flashcards by Elizabeth Then, updated more than 1 year ago
Elizabeth Then
Created by Elizabeth Then about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Ethical principles autonomy beneficence non-malfience distributive justive dignity truthfulness
Code of ethics for nurses NMBA
Consent to medical treatment and palliative care act 1995 cannot be used if pt in terminal phase of illness - if pt has not expressed direction - if treatment is not life proloning
Brain death death of whole brain and brain stem irrevisble brain damage causing independent respiration
Organ donation Patient must be brain dead Patient must have consented
Role of crit care nursse early identification collaborative team clinical management family support
Terminal sedation sedating a terminally ill competent patient to the point of unconsciousness, then allowing them to die of the disease, starvation, dehydration
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