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Liesl Marais
Flashcards by Liesl Marais, updated more than 1 year ago
Liesl Marais
Created by Liesl Marais about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are verbs? Verbs are doing or beings words.
What are the 3 simple tenses? Past Present Future
What are the 3 continuous tenses you have studied? Past Continuous Present Continous Future Continuous
Identify the verb and it's tense in the following sentence: I run a race. Verb: run Tense: Simple Present
Identify the verb and it's tense in the following sentence: We swam in the dam. Verb: swam Tense: Simple Past
Identify the verb and it's tense in the following sentence: We will paint a nature scene. Verb: will paint Tense: Simple Future
Identify the verb and it's tense in the following sentence: Emma is happy. Verb: is Tense: Simple Present
Identify the verb and it's tense in the following sentence: Sarah was singing in the car. Verb: was singing Tense: Past Continuous
Identify the verb and it's tense in the following sentence: I am stroking the cat. Verb: am stroking Tense: Present Continuous
Identify the verb and it's tense in the following sentence: We will be going to the movies later. Verb: will be going Tense: Future Continuous
Use the best verbs when writing. Look at the following cards and see if you know the better substitute verbs. Then flip the deck and use the clues to consolidate your knowledge.
ran went (r__)
galloped went (g_______)
sidled went (s_____)
crept went (c____)
crawled went (c______)
shuffled went (s_______)
marched went (m______)
tiptoed went (t______)
trotted went (t______)
glance look (g_____)
peer look (p___)
stare look (s____)
admire like (a_____)
cherish like (c______)
marvel like (m_____)
adore like (a____)
commented said (c________)
cried said (c____)
stated said (s_____)
announced said (a________)
argued said (a_____)
interrupted said (i__________)
whimpered said (w________)
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