Introduction to Microbiology


Introduction to Microbiology Lecture 1
Angus Cooper
Flashcards by Angus Cooper, updated more than 1 year ago
Angus Cooper
Created by Angus Cooper over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Define Microbiology The study of microorganisms
Name some medically important microorganisms Bacteria (Prokaryotic) Fungi (Eukaryotic) Parasites (Eukaryotic) Protozoa (Eukaryotic)
Name some medically important acellular organisms Viruses Prions
What are the main components of a Prokaryotic organism Cell Wall - peptidoglycan Cell membrane Genome (Nucleoid) Ribosomes - 70S No membrane-bound organelles
What are the main components of a Eukaryotic organism Membrane-bound nucleus Membrane-bound organelles (Mitchondria, Golgi, E.R., etc.) Nucleolus Ribosomes - free (80S) Cytoskeleton - microfilaments, tubules
Main differences between Pro & Eukaryotic cells Size, Nucleus (Eu), DNA (Linear - Eu), Membrane-bound organelles (Eu), size of ribosomes (Eu +), Cell wall (Pro).
Bacteria Name is broken down by? Genus, Species & Strain. E.g., Escherischia (G), Coli. (S), 0157 (Strain)
Bacteria has a structure based on which two things? Shape, and arrangement. E.g. Shape = spiral, circular, rod. Arrangment = singular, chain, cluster
Difference in staining for bacteria? Gram positive = PURPLE, thick cell wall retains stain Gram negative = doesn't retain stain, counterstained to RED
Some gram positive bacteria can form what hardened structure? Spores: which protect bacteria and allow bacteria to go into dormant state
Are all Bacteria pathogenic? No, certain factors have to aline in order to cause pathogenesis.
What are prions? Prions are infectious PARTICLES within your body, made up of misfolded prion protein.
Define pathogen? When an organism gets through the various defences of the body to cause infection
Define infection? When an organism enters the body, grows in number, and causes damage to the body.
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