Objective_CAE_Unit 1


Objective Advanced Unit 1: Getting to know you
Maria Campos
Flashcards by Maria Campos, updated more than 1 year ago
Maria Campos
Created by Maria Campos over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
all year round throughout the year, continuously
alleyway a narrow road or path between buildings
anything goes There are no boundaries or limits to behaviour.
aspect one part of a situation, problem, subject, etc.
automatic pilot If you are on automatic pilot, you are doing something without thinking about it.
bizarre very strange and unusual
break down If a machine or vehicle breaks down, it stops working.
bustling full of people and activity
catch sight of see for a moment
check out to go to a place in order to see what it is like
competent able to do something well
courageous having or showing courage
crude rude and offensive
decisive able to make decisions quickly and confidently, or showing this quality
delight (something or someone that gives) great pleasure, satisfaction, or happiness
disbelief the feeling of not being able to believe that something is true or real
dos and don'ts rules about what you must do and must not do in a particular situation
down-to-earth practical and realistic
end up to finally be in a particular place or situation
face a challenge deal with something needing great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully
gain to get something that is useful, that gives you an advantage, or that is in some way positive, especially over a period of time
gain insight to get a clear understanding of a complicated problem or situation
get the wrong impression to get the wrong idea or opinion about what something or someone is like
get to know sb/sth to spend time with someone or something so that you gradually learn more about them
getaway a short holiday
go through to experience a situation
graze to injure your skin by rubbing it against something rough
iceberg a very large piece of ice that floats in the sea
incredible extremely good
irritable annoyed
keep in touch to continue to communicate with someone by using a phone or writing to them
knowledgeable knowing a lot
make up your mind to make a decision about something
mark (an anniversary) to show respect for or commemorate
maze a complicated system of paths or passages that people try to find their way through for entertainment
narrow-minded not willing to accept ideas or ways of behaving that are different from your own
outgoing (of a person) friendly and energetic and finding it easy and enjoyable to be with others
perceive to come to an opinion about something, or have a belief about something
persuasive making you want to do or believe a particular thing
pop over (informal) to go to a particular place
proof a fact or piece of information that shows that something exists or is true
queue a group of people standing one behind the other who are waiting for something
rancid rancid fat smells and tastes bad because it is not fresh.
read between the lines to try to understand someone's real feelings or intentions from what they say or write
rotten Rotten vegetable or animal substances are decaying.
sarcastic using sarcasm
scrub to clean something by rubbing it hard with a brush
self-deprecating trying to make yourself, your abilities or your achievements seem less important
sense of humour your ability to understand funny things
set up to formally establish a new company, organisation, system, way of working, etc.
skim to move quickly, and almost or just touch the surface of something
social glue something which brings people together in a society
social-networking the use of websites and other internet services to communicate with other people and make friends
stale old and not fresh
strengthen to make something stronger or more effective
tip of the iceberg a small noticeable part of a problem, the total size of which is really much greater
to my mind in my opinion
try out to use or do something to discover if it works or if you like it
way the manner in which something happens
way of life the manner in which a person lives
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