Hormones IV


Flashcards on Hormones IV, created by J yadonknow on 04/04/2018.
J yadonknow
Flashcards by J yadonknow, updated more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Created by J yadonknow over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Plasma Ca 2.2-2.6mM
Calcium forms Protein bound - can't diffuse through membranes Chelated/complexed - Phosphate/bicarbonate Free -physiologically active
Plasma calcium control Net absorption GIT Net excretion kidney Temporary storage Bone
Osteoblast Secretes collagen, hydroxyapatite, clast stimulating factors
Osteoclast Bone resorption
Osteocyte Essential role in Ca X between ECF and bone
Acute control of Plasma calcium Maintain constant free [Ca2+] by rapid X between ECF and Bone
Chronic control of plasma calcium Adjust GIT absorption and urinary excretion
3 hormones control PTH 1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol Calcitinon
How does PT gland control? Monitors [Ca2+] in blood perfusing the glands
What does removal cause? Fatal hypocalcaemia
PTH Peptide hormone stored in chief cells
t1/2? 5 minutes
When released? In response to low plasma [Ca2+]
Where exert effects? KBG Mainly KB though
What does it do? ^ reabsorption of Ca from urine ^ Expression of 1alpha-hydroxylase (which + Vit. D).
What are the effects on bone? ^ clast activity indirectly = ^ resorption
Draw hormone feedback cycle Low [Ca] -> PTG -> PTH -> Clast/Kidney reabsorption/Po4 excretion -> ^ Ca
D2 name and source Ergocalciferol, food supplements
D3 Cholcalciferol - diet + skin UV
What are they converted to? 1,25-DHCC
Hormone feedback diagram of sunlight exposure Sunlight skin 7-dehydocholesterol Liver 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 Kidney 1,25-DHCC +Vit D
What type of hormone is vit D? Steroid
Calcitriol MOA ^ Ca transport protein in GIT ^ Ca uptake from GIT Only mech. to ^ Ca stores
Used in what kind of treatment? Kidney failure patients can't make 1alpha-hydroxylase
Effects on Kidney/bone decrease urinary loss ^ Bone resorption rate by ^ ost + factor secretion
Calcitonin Secreted by C-cells (parafollicular cells) of TH gland Minor importance in adults decrease [Ca] free in plasma
Calcitonin MOA Inhibits clast activity -direct effect ^ excretion of Ca+Po4 from kidneys
Hyperparathyroidism causes Hypercalcaemia
Vitamin D deficiency causes Hypocalcaemia
Cause of Primary hyperparathyroidism Autonomous PTH secretion Increases serum Ca, decreases serum PO4
Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency Calcification failure Osteomalacia = soft bones in adults Rickets in children
What does vitamin D deficinency lead to? Body sacrifices bone stores and causes a compensatory rise in PTH, doesn't lead to hypocalcaemia
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