Chapter 2, Basic Assessment Principals


Graduate Principals & applications of Assessment Flashcards on Chapter 2, Basic Assessment Principals, created by ellacro on 02/06/2013.
Flashcards by ellacro, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ellacro over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Norm referenced Instrument the individuals score is compared to the group score who have also taken the test.
Normal Distribution Normal Curve the amount of variance from the mean under a bell curve from the 50% line being the highest, moving in both directions to equal 68% = 1 sd from the mean, 2 sd = 95% and 3 = 99.5 %
Positively skewed curve the bell curve has more of the scores in the left side of the mean and few at the upper end of the distribution
Positively skewed curve the bell curve has more of the scores in the left side of the mean and few at the upper end of the distribution
Criterion- Referenced Instrument the individual score is compared to the group criteria or standard that is preset. measure of performance.
Negative Skewed curve more scores fall to the right of the mean and has fewer at the mean.
Interpreting Non referenced instruments use statistics to help interrupt scores.
Types of Scores Raw Score do not have any math done with the score to tell any information in the testing world, need conversion.
Frequency Distribution is were the scores (x) are found on the first line and then the number of persons taking the test with a certain score on the line under it x=60 70 80 2 5 7
Frequency Polygon a graph with the score on the x axis and the number of people on the y axis. may be easier to visualize. can see the range using the plots on the diagram.
Histogram Measure or graph showing the results by columns on a graph.
Measure of Central Tendency 1. Mean-average of scores =(x/n) 2. Median- the middle most score with 50% below and 50% above the middle. 3. Mode- the most frequent score in the group. if 50 people got score of 10 that is the mode.
Measures of Variably the amount of variation in the cores can tell you more about what is being measured.
Percentile Score or Rank the % of the people who received that groups score. x/n=% (10/40=1/4=25%)
Measure of variability RANGE a measure of the spread of the scores. shows the variability of the lowest and the highest. by subtracting (90-10=80 so range is 80)
Measurement Scales 1. Nominal: Categories 2. Ordinal 3. Interval 4. Ratio
Standard Score Z-score convert raw score to z-score by subtracting the mean of the instrument from the raw score and divide from the standard deviation. x-m/S=z-score
Nominal Scale Basic, categories of constructs
Standard Score t- score has a mean of 50 and a sd of 10, the z-score is converted to t-score by multiplying by 10 and adding or subtracting by 50
Evaluating the Norm Group no universal standard but the individual or the group must evaluate if it is a good measure to test the users of the group.
Ordinal Scale able to measure if one score is larger from another.
Interval Score the units of measurement are equal distances apart, ex. percent, z score, t-core..
Measure of Variability Varience mean square deviation is (M=EX/N), the score X minus the mean M equals the variance.
Ratio Score. all the that as the Interval score and the inclusion of a zero point.
Measure of Variance Standard deviation square root of the variance is the S2 (page 28)
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