Spanish Essential Writing Vocab IGCSE


Spanish Essential Writing Vocab IGCSE Flashcards
Oliver Hall
Flashcards by Oliver Hall, updated more than 1 year ago
Oliver Hall
Created by Oliver Hall about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
a pet una mascota
Unfortunatly desafortunadamente
kitten gatitos
I've always like siempre me gustaron
I'm mad about football El fútbol, me vuelve loco
I would like to go to uni to study... me gustaría ir a la Universidad para estudiar
In general en general
Overall en totalidad
However sin embargo
On the one hand Por un lado
On the other hand por otra parte
It is near to Está cerca de Londres
It's a prosperous area Es una region próspera
Public transport is unreliable Los transportes públicos no son fiables
A new sports centre just opened Acaban de abrir un centro deportivo
Isolated aislado
noisy ruidosa
The lack of... la falta de...
The advantage is that la ventaja es que
The disadvantage is that El inconveniente es que
The Spanish cup final la final de la copa española
It was great fue formidable
Running (hacer) footing
It doesn't interest me at all No me intersan en absoluto
I like to keep fit me mantengo en forma
too long demasiado larga
If I won the lottery si ganara la lotería
shabby lamentable
I don't like flying because planes are often late no me gusta volar porque los aviones a menudo tarde
crash el choque
He died él murió
it rained llovió
half board media pension
you're always outside siempre estás al aire libre
I had a great time Lo pasé bomba
I fancy me apetece
As usual como de costumbre
Doesn't work no funciona
How disgusting Que Asco
It is possible that I will go to uni es possible que vaya a la universidad
unforgettable inolvidable
Rarely raramento
I tried the regional specialities Robé las especialidades rejionales
Food Poisining Intoxicación alimenticia
hospital el hospital
ambulance la ambulancia
He had to go to hospital él tuvo que ir al hospital
He was fine él estaba bien
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