M Electoral College and Presidential Elections


11th grade U.S. Government Honors Flashcards on M Electoral College and Presidential Elections, created by J N on 20/11/2017.
Flashcards by J N, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by J N over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How many representatives does Michigan have in the U.S. House of Representatives? 14
What are the three parts of a presidential election? Nomination, General Election, Electoral Vote
To help them score a political party's nomination, presidential candidates try to win delegates in what two types of events in the spring of an election year? Caucuses and primaries
What two essential things do delegates do at their party's national convention? Pick the party's candidates + write the party's platform (views on issues)
What is the popular vote? The vote of all eligible voters in the general election
On what day is the general election for president? On the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, on every even numbered year or every 4 years
How many senators does Michigan have in the U.S. Senate? 2
How many electors does Michigan receive in the Electoral College? 16
How many senators are in the U.S. Senate? 100 Think - 2 for every state
How many Representatives are the in the U.S. House? 435
What is the total number of members of the U.S. Congress? 535
What is the total number of electors in the Electoral College? 538
Why are there more electors than members of congress? Because Washington D.C. has 3 electors, but no representation in Congress.
Who nominates a slate (group) of electoral nominees equal to the amount allowed to the State? Candidate or political parties
In the popular vote, eligible voters are not directly voting for a presidential candidate, who are they directly voting for? Electoral nominees
Which group of electoral nominees gets to become the official electors for a state in 48 of the 50 states? The group with a plurality of the vote (most of the vote)
When do the electors vote for President and Vice President? First Monday after second Wednesday in November
Where do the electors go to vote for President and Vice President? to their respective state capitols.
How many votes does each elector get to cast for President, and how many for Vice President? 1 for President, 1 for Vice President
What are the requirements to win the election? Get the largest amount of electoral votes, and it must be a majority (over 50%). At least 270 votes out of 538.
If neither candidate for president wins enough electoral votes to win the presidency, then who or what determines the winner? U.S. House of Representatives
If neither candidate for VICE-president wins enough electoral votes to win the VICE-presidency, then who or what determines the winner? Senate
On what day are the electoral votes counted and by who? January 6th, a joint session of Congress
On what day is the elected president and vice-president inaugurated (sworn into office) January 20th
How are electoral nominees selected? Based on their loyalty & commitment to the presidential candidate.
Who or what allows the popular vote to decide which group of electoral nominees will become the official electors of the State? state legislature
How are delegates won? Based on how much support they receive in each caucus and primary.
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