Quiz 1


10th grade Math Flashcards on Quiz 1, created by shelby satine on 18/11/2017.
shelby satine
Flashcards by shelby satine, updated more than 1 year ago
shelby satine
Created by shelby satine about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
regression relating to more infantile psychosexual stage
repression defense mechanism that banishes anxiety-aroused thoughts, feelings, and memories from consciousness
oedipus complex (Freud) a boy's sexual desires toward his mother and feelings of jealousy and hatred for the rival father
id "devil on your shoulder"; reservoir of psychic energy that strives to satisfy drives
ego "the mediator"; largely conscious personality that mediates among the id and superego
superego "angel on your shoulder"; represents internalized ideals and provides standards for judgement and future aspirations
phallic stage one of Freud's psychosexual stages, which is focused on genitals and coping with incestuous feelings
unconditional positive regard Rogers' approach to the way therapists should regard their patients (always positive, friendly)
conscientiousness a spectrum of the "Big Five" personality factors, in which one pole is characterized by disorganization, carelessness, impulses, and the opposite by organization, carefulness, discipline
self-efficacy one's perception of their ability, competence, and efficiency
self-serving bias tendency to attribute positive events to their character but dismiss negative events as external factors
unconscious unacceptable feelings and impulses that we aren't aware of
introversion energized by alone time
extraversion energized by socializing
trait an enduring quality that makes a person tend to act a certain way
personality individual's characteristic of thinking and feeling
free association method of exploring the unconscious in which the patient relaxes and says whatever comes to mind
social cognitive perspective behavior influenced by the interaction between peoples' traits and social context
schizophrenia psychological disorder characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized speech, inappropriate emotional expression
major depressive disorder disorder characterized by a two week or longer period of either depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure
narcissism disorder characterized by excessive self-love and self-absorption
phobia irrational and intense desire to avoid a situation or object
binge-eating disorder disorder characterized by significant binge-eating (excessive) episodes followed by distress, disgust, or guilt
anorexia nervosa disorder characterized by maintaining a starvation diet despite being significantly underweight
borderline personality disorder disorder characterized by drastic mood changes, need for attention, impulsivity, and insecurity
panic attack symptom characterized by intense fear, sweating, and difficulty breathing
bipolar disorder disorder characterized by an alternation between hopelessness, lethargy, and depression, and the overexcited state of mania
post-traumatic stress disorder disorder from trauma characterized by haunting memories, nightmares, social withdrawal, jumpy anxiety, and insomnia
generalized anxiety disorder disorder characterized by being continually tense
obsessive compulsive disorder disorder characterized by unwanted repetitive thoughts (obsessions) and actions (compulsions)
dissociative fugue occurs when a person experiences a stressful traumatic event, then drastically changes personality, having no memory of their past life
DSM-5 book used to classify psychological disorders
obsession intense, unwanted worries, ideas, and images
compulsions strong feeling of needing to carry out an action, even if it doesn't make sense
psychological disorder dysfunction of behavior
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