computing revising


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Deleted user
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Madoc Black
Created by Madoc Black about 7 years ago
Madoc Black
Copied by Madoc Black about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what is a file extension? file extensions are the parts at the end of a website e.g doc, jpg, ppt.
what common file extensions for typical software applications do you know? Word, Excel, Powerpoint, google docs.
What common file extensions for images files do you know? .bmp,.jpg,.png,.tiff,.gif.
why should you organize your files? because you can find what you need easier.
what are the shortcut keys for copy, paste, save and undo? Ctrl c, Ctrl v, Ctrl s and Ctrl z.
how is a path name structured? in the true structure.
What is the method used to copy files from one drive to another? using short keys.
What is the search facility in file Explorer allows you to do? It allows to search the web and get infomation.
What will happen if you delete a file from a memory stick? It is gone forever unless you have backup.
What is the difference between save and save as? save is when you just save it and save as is when you save it into a file.
how do you move a file in file explorer? Drag it into another file or copy and paste.
How do you select more more than one file at a time? click the first item, hold down the SHIFT key, and then click the last item.
How can you display image files in file explorer? you go to file explorer then you press the "view" button and then you press which icon you like small icon, medium icon, large icon or extra large icon.
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