Findings and Conclusions Rosenhan


AS Psychology2 (Rosenhan) Flashcards on Findings and Conclusions Rosenhan, created by sammi_taylor01 on 27/05/2013.
Flashcards by sammi_taylor01, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sammi_taylor01 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How many pseudopatients from study one were admitted to hospital and what were they admitted with having? all 8 pseudopatients admitted. 7/8 as sufferers of schizophrenia, other one was admitted as having depression
How many tablets were given to the pseudopatients in total? 2100, only 2 were swallowed. the rest were flushed or poscketed (which was the behaviour of the other patients)
What was the range in stay of the pseudopatients and what was the average stay in days? between 7 and 52 days average stay was 19 days
When the pseudopatients were discharged, they were given the label.. schizophrenic/depressive 'in remission'
Did the nurses detect the pseudopatients sanity? No, the only people who did were the genuinely mentally ill people, saying they were 'journalists' or 'professors checking up on the hospital'
Where did the staff stay most during their shifts? In a glass 'cage', they came out only 11.3% of the time including doing chores, on average leaving the cage 11.5 times per shift.
How often were the psychiatrists seen per day? 6.7 times on average
What did the pseudopatients say about the ward? Very little privacy- no toilet doors, anyone could walk up and read a patients files
Some may say that this would create a .... counter-therapeutic environment
Average daily contact between staff and patients was.. 6.8 minutes per day
Results from study three showed that pseudopatients within the hospital who asked questions to staff had the most common response of.. staff walking past while replying, not giving any eye contact to the individuals.
What was the percentage of psychiatrists and nurses that stopped to talk? Of which _% in each group stopped and chatted? 4% psychiatrists 0.5% nurses 2% stopped and chatted in each group
Results of the control condition for study three show all staff members paused to chat while maintaining eye contact
Results from study three suggest that.. it is the context of the situation that influences judgement and not their characteristics.
in study 2, how many patients were admitted over the three months? 193
How many patients were judged to be pseudopatients by at least one member of staff? How many patients were judged to be pseudopatients by at least one psychiatrist? 41 patients-at least one member of staff 23- at least one psychiatrist
How many patients were suspected to be pseudopatients by one member of staff and one psychiatrist. suggesting.. 19 suggesting an unconfidence in diagnosis
What did Rosenhan conclude from these results? diagnosis was based on environment not personal circumstances. Results shows diagnosis method as invalid however it is reliable due to 7/8 being diagnosed as suffering schizophrenia.
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