
By Téllez Del Angel Brayan
Brayan Téllez
Flashcards by Brayan Téllez, updated more than 1 year ago
Brayan Téllez
Created by Brayan Téllez over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Cost-Cost-Costar The car Cost much
Cut-Cut-Cortar I cut me
Hit-Hit-Golpear Pedro hit pablo
Hurt-Hurt-Herir I hurt me
Put-Put-Poner Maria put her book in the locker
Build-Built-Construir I built my hause
Burn-Burnt-Quemar The dragon burnt the castlle
Learn-Learnt-Aprender Did yoy Learn?
Lend-Lent-Prestar I didn't lend money
Send-Sent-Enviar I sent my work
Smell-Smelt-Oler Did you smell the flower?
Spend-Spent-Gastar I didn't spend my beca
Leave-Left-Dejar I left you
Meet-Met-Conocer/Encontrarse con Did you meet she? Yes, She was my girlfriend
Feed-Fed-Alimentar I didn't feed to my dog
Dream-Dreamt-Soñar I dreamt you
Mean-Meant-Significar/Querer decir What Did you mean?
Sweep-Swept-Barrer i swept my hause
Sweat-Sweat-Dudar Did you sweat me?
Feel-Felt-Sentir Did you Feel my love for you?
Lose-Lost-Perder Did you lose me? yes.... JAJAJAJ I am really bored.
Shoot-Shot-Disparar i Didn't shoot
Get-Got-Conseguir Did you get my jacket?
Light-Lit-Encender Who did lit my heart?
Sit-Sat-Sentarse I didn't sit in my chair
Have-Had-Tener o Haber I had an idea
Bring-Brought-Traer My dog brought the ball
Buy-Bought-Comprar Did you buy this hause?
Fight-Fought-Luchar I didn't fight with you
Think-Thought-Pensar I really thought in you
Catch-Caught-Atrapar Did you catch the ball?
Teach-Taught-Enseñar The tacher taught irregular verbs the last week
Find-Found-Encontrar Did you find my keys?
Hve-Had-Tener i had some money
Hear-Heard-Oir What did you hear?
Sell-Sold-Vender I didn't sell my phone
Tell-Told-Contar una historia... What did you Tell me?
Win-Won-Ganar Did you win?
Make-Made-Hacer/Fabricar Why did you make this robot?
Pay-Paid-Pagar I didn't pay the dinner
Read-Read-Leer Did you read Wuthering Heights?
Say-Said-Decir The teacher said that we are the best. Yeah
Stand-Stood-Estar/Permanecer I didn't stand here.
Understand-Understood-Entender What Did you undestand? I didn't know
Breake-Broke.-Romper You broke me i am a toy.....
Choose-Chose-Elegir What Did you choose?
Freeze-Froze-Helar/Congelar How did you Freeze this?
Speak-Spoke-Hablar I didn't speak in the english class
Steal-Stole-Robar You stole my heart
Wake-Woke-Despertarse When did you wake up?
Drive-Drove-Conducir I drove her car
Ride-Rode-Cabalgar/Montar How did you ride his horse?
Rise-Rose-Elevarse/Subir Did you rise?
Write-Wrote-Escribir I wrote this cart for you
Bite-Bit-Morder The dog bit me
Hide-Hid-Ocultar/Esconder What did you hide me?
Eat-Ate-Comer I didn't eat the dinner
Fall-Fell-Caer My phone fell in the street
Forget-Forgot-Olvidar Did you forget me?
Forgive-Forgave-Perdonar i Didn't forgive you
Give-Gave-Dar I gave an flower
See-Saw-Ver i didn't see you
Take-Took-Coger/Tomar I took a shower
Blow-Blew-Soplar Maria Blew her candles the last week
Fly-Flew-Volar How did you fly at sky?
Grow-Grew-Crecer Who did grow so fast?
Know-Knew-Saber/Conocer Did you know maria?
Throw-Threw-Tirar I threw my litter
Draw-Drew-Dibujar How did you write this?
Show-Showed-Mostrar/Enseñar What did you show me?
Begin-Began-Empezar/Comenzar i began my homework
Drink-Drank-Beber Maria Drank much water
Ring-Rang-Llamar How did you ring me?
Run-Ran-Correr i ran at the park
Sing-Sang-Cantar I didn't sing english songs
Swim-Swam-Nadar I swam at the pool the last monday
Become-Became-Llegar a ser I didn't become a doctor
Be-Was/Were-Ser/Estar i was your boyfriend
Do-Did-Hacer What did you do?
Go-Went-Ir i didn't go to maria's party
Come-Came-Venir Her came the sun
Sleep-Slept-Dormir How did you sleep?
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