Types og government


paula fonseca
Flowchart by paula fonseca, updated more than 1 year ago
paula fonseca
Created by paula fonseca about 4 years ago

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  • Theocracy
  • A form of government in which a the Deity is recognized as having the supreme power, are interpreted by the religious community
  • Totalitarian
  • A government that seeks to make the individual inferior to the state by controlling his position and all his attitudes
  • Democray
  • Is the form of government where the people have the power and decide on their way of governing and their laws
  • Republic
  • only one person has the power and is elected by vote, people cannot vote for their laws and vote for the laws the representative made.
  • Aristocracy
  • Communism
  • Socialism
  • The state has the power and controls its economy but all goods are shared with the people
  • high class or nobility are the only decision makers in their territory
  • is a government that is thought to be seeking equity in money and property
  • Oligarchy
  • Constitutional Monarchy
  • Dictatorship
  • Hoplary
  • Constitutional democracy
  • Parliamentary Democracy
  • A government exercised by a Small group of people authority is usually based on wealth or power.
  • is a form of government where a representative has the maximum power and the people cannot elect their own leaders
  • the power of a representative is controlled by the law
  • government by the military
  • form of government in which a government document explains the power of the people  
  •  A political system in which the the legislator selects the Government
  • parliamentary monarchy
  • Ecclesiastical
  • is a kind of government where there is a prince, king or monarch
  • A government directed by the church. Church representatives make decisions about their religions or beliefs
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